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There are a couple hundred thousand unconfirmed transactions on the bitcoin network at the time this thread was written. Click me to see the current amount of unconfirmed transactions. Today I will explain and show you a step-by-step process on why your transactions are stuck on 0 confirmations.

Stuck transactions are usually caused by paying a fee that is too low for bitcoin miners to accept. There are a few things you can do as the receiver and the sender: Attempt a Child-Pays-For-Parent transaction If for some reason you are unable to perform any of the above actions, you must simply wait and hope that your transaction will eventually confirm. If your wallet does not re-broadcast your transaction automatically, you must do that periodically for the network to "remember" your transaction.

Most wallets automatically do this for you. Transactions that remain unconfirmed for an extended period of time may be "forgotten" by most nodes on the bitcoin network. This process may take a few days. Reasons a transaction can be "forgotten" are: Node Restarts Mempool expiry times Mempool eviction mempool increases minimum fee How do I get a miner or pool to confirm my transaction?

Some miners and pools offer services to prioritize your transaction. You may contact them and ask if they will take a payment to include your transaction.

Many users have linked to https: A Replace-By-Fee RBF transaction, also known as a double spend, is a transaction that is identical to the one that is "stuck" on 0 confirmations. Please note that transactions that do not use Opt-In RBF will be considered a double spend and will be flagged as such, which may take a long time to confirm still. If you want to get into the technicalities of RBF, refer to my post here. There are three different types of RBF transactions: Full RBF - A Full Replace-By-Fee means that the transaction is a double spend of another transaction but includes a higher fee; therefore, it replaces the original transaction.

Making an RBF transaction depends entirely on the wallet you are using. Some wallets will support this option and some will not. In Bitcoin Core Follow these steps: Go to the transaction list Right-click the transaction that is stuck Choose "Abandon Transaction".

Repeat the above steps after doing this. If both options listed above fail, you can restart Bitcoin Core using the -zapwallettxes option. This will clear all the unconfirmed transactions. Once you restart it you can start a new transaction, but make sure you include a higher fee.

In Bitcoin Armory follow these steps: In MultiBit HD follow these steps: This is a list of commonly used wallets that do not use Full RBF: A Child-Pays-For-Parent transactions is when a child transaction spends from an unconfirmed parent transaction and includes a transaction fee which covers both the fee of the child and the parent.

These type of transactions are very hard to perform as most wallets do not allow this. A few mining pools will not accept a transaction with a low fee leading to a high fee either. To do this you must: Make sure your transaction has 0 confirmations Send a new transaction with the same amount of coins again Make sure you set a way higher fee.

Send the new transaction. Bitcoin transactions have 0 confirmations? Learn how to fix them! Why does my transaction still have 0 confirmations after 24 hours? What can I do to make my transaction confirm? How can I force the network to "forget" my transaction? I highly recommend you use Opt-In RBF, featured further in this tutorial with Electrum, as it is the simplest and easiest one for you to perform.

Go to Manage Wallet Click on Repair Wallet Follow the wizard Once you have completed these steps you can now send a new transaction with a higher fee. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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Collects questions concerned with the practice of accepting transactions before they reach their first confirmation, i. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered.

Learn moreā€¦ Top users Synonyms 1. I assume they've done thorough research on this and might've come up with some logic to protect themselves from Will Gu 8. Wahidur Rahman 3 3. Can low-cost purchases be accepted safely with no confirmations? You need at least 1 confirmation to prevent a double spend attack. But in Mastering Bitcoin, there's this note: Maros Hluska 5. Wasn't 0-conf more secure than Visa, before blocks got full and RBF was added?

RBF and full blocks make 0-conf useless, because it's easy to override. Wasn't it once useful? I've heard without those it's more secure than Visa in terms of double spending.

How to interpret 'doubleSpentTxID' from the insight. We are integrating Bitcoin Cash in our business and the site is now waiting till the first confirmation to accept the payment. From what I understand I can trust a 0 confirmation tx if I wait long How to integrate 0-conf BCH payments into a web app? I am currently working on a Bitcoin Cash related project with the goal of helping contribute to the ecosystem.

I am getting to the point where I will soon be ready to start integrating with the How will I receive them back? Bitcoin Transaction never confirmed even with a significant fee? From an exchange the withdrawal fee for bitcoin is fixed to 0. Gordon Ramsey 1 2. As a solo miner how can I prioritize my own unconfirmed transactions? Is it possible to prioritize my own unconfirmed transaction through my mining machines without being in a pool?

And if its possible how can I do that? All I get are informations about transaction with at least Isn't that still enough? Ashkan Mohsenzadeh 1 1. My bitcoin transactions haven't been confirmed for almost 2 day now help? My transactions are reasonably been small. What are my options? Is there any way to Unconfirmed Transactions for 72hours..

Please Help [duplicate] I have learned about increasing transaction fees to speed up Confirnation and have now been sending BTc with good result. How can I get it to start to make confirmations. I tried sending the same amount with a Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.