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Only top voted, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tag Info users hot new synonyms. Hot answers tagged namecoin day week month year all. Why do namecoins have any value? Namecoins are used to register.
Chris Acheson 1, 10 In other words, merged mining is part of the protocol, ASICs just do the math. The standard rules of merged mining still apply, of course. When did merged Namecoin-Bitcoin mining start? The switch to merged mining is scheduled for Namecoin block At the time of this writing, the Namecoin network is on block , so more blocks need to be solved. The last 29 blocks on the Namecoin block explorer were solved in an average of Extrapolating from this, blocks should be solved in just under 30 days, so Namecoin is a distribuited DNS system where information held about a web address MX, A, etc are held within the coin itself.
Advantages of this are no other company holds the address, unique ownership will always be had due to the way the bitcoin works. MaxSan 2, 1 14 What happens when NameCoins stop being generated? The Namecoin block reward is to be halved every 4 years, similar to Bitcoins.
The fee to register a domain in Namecoin is set to decrease by the factor of 2 every two months, and later by a factor of 4. As the price of registering a domain go down way faster than the block reward, there won't be a shortage of opportunities for registering domains. How many Namecoins are generated per block? Yes, it's 50, as documented here: When namecoins are spent to register a domain name, they are destroyed. Highly Irregular 8, 6 41 Are the capabilities of Namecoin a strict superset of Bitcoin?
The amount of NMC required in order to register a domain name is fixed by the protocol. Having NMC and BTC be separate currencies ensures that the number of BTC needed to register a domain name is set by market pricing mechanisms, not by the hardwired protocol. This post by ArtForz on the forums explains the attack: There are two basic fronts on which they can defend, and they really do have to do both.
First, they need to increase their total hashing power. Merged mining is probably the most realistic way for these currencies to accomplish this. Second, they need to fix This site allows you to compare the mining profitability of the various coins: Endgame 1 4. How does one mine Namecoins? When I first looked into this issue the low price for name operations struck me odd, too.
But the rationale behind it is to allow to register as many names for as low a price possible. You need to realize namecoin is not only about domains and the dot-bit project is only the first large namecoin project. Can you register a. Namecoin was the first fork from Bitcoin, and is a blockchain based peer-to-peer network which maintains a decentral ledger of registered names.
Goals Developing protection for Bitcoin against exploits Developing a lethal alt chain killer. Is there a usable Namecoin e-wallet?
I would recommend VirCurEx. You can use it as a wallet or trade between different currencies. XPK 76 1 1. Are there any combination of letters that a namecoin address cannot start with? Namecoin addresses, like Bitcoin addresses, are Base58 encodings of a public key hash. The encoded data starts with a version byte, and the value of this byte affects the first characters of the result. Namecoin addresses specifically use a version byte of 52, which dictates a certain range of initials.
The prefixes you listed are simply too high - they Is Namecoin actually being used for anything significant? I have some idea of what Namecoin was trying to achieve, but as of yet I've never seen it actually used.
Is it being used for anything of significance yet, or are there plans by anyone to do so in the short to medium term? If a distributed, first-come-first-serve domain name system for the. Colin Dean 5, 3 16 Is namecoin a currency? According to the Bitcoin Wiki: In contrast to a currency, according to Wikipedia A much more general use of the word currency is anything that is used in any circumstances, as a medium of exchange.
In this use, "currency" is a synonym Steven Roose 8, 7 29 NameCoin merged mining adds no more than 49 bytes to the size of the block. Namecoin messages aren't stored in the bitcoin block chain, instead the hash of the most recent namecoin block is stored in the Bitcoin block providing continuity between a potential hash and the Namecoin block chain.
So yes it technically does "bloat" the Bitcoin blockchain but DeathAndTaxes 7, 1 25 Trust is still centralized; it's just centralized in a different place. Is there a usable Namecoin GUI client? Multicoin can be used to trade Namecoin although the functions for registering names and such cannot be used. There is a current bounty of NMC to produce a web UI for the client to run within a local machine. It can be found on the http: How do I register a.
The algorithm of registering. Are there many Namecoin domains in use? This means that most operating systems have no support for them built-in. So, to be able to visit. You basically need to let your computer know where to search for the IP address translation of the.
Are Namecoins obsolete with the upcoming Bitcoin 0. Well, the fact that it will be possible to implement features similar to Namecoin that it will become obsolete. Bitcoin is intended as a currency and a payment system, while Namecoin is designed specifically as a DNS provider for. The fact that Namecoin would be able to handle. How does Ethereum domain registration works? So the whole point of a name reg contract is not to send transactions, rather its sole purpose is to build up a database which other nodes can then query.
Ethereum smart contracts have immutable storage. This means that you can prove your primacy to a specific name, and other people can then reference that as part of a database. What it comes down to is George Hallam 51 1 2. The Bitcoin network is currently the worlds fastest distributed computing network. It gains security through size. The large pool issue is real however it can be overcome without flawed centrally controled digital currencies. One example is p2pool.
It is a pool where miners share rewards but each miner independently generates their own block header Namecoins use the Nakamoto blockchain algorithm - and are very similar to Bitcoins. So much as Bitcoins are a currency, so are Namecoins. The only major difference in concept is that Namecoins have a built in domain registry, and currently allow merged mining.
Alex Waters 2, 2 16 What's the most popular Namecoin exchange? Diablo-D3 2 8. I don't have any source for this other than recent experience, but my names are showing up when I do Sumudu Fernando 3.