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It's recently acquired a new dev, and a new website was created just last month showcasing the new tech ideas. Here is the new ANN thread from December until now bitcointalk. Why should I invest? But friendly shill, where can I acquire this glorious investment? This is shit, it's not on bittrex Devs have been contacting all the bigger exchanges, they've seen what we've achieved so far and have been in contact with us. Hopefully we should hear back soon.

The rocket won't be sitting here forever. We're in for one final ride, it's been a glorious few years. I've managed to get back on top of things, after doing some freelance work for a while. Everyone is quite keen for an update on things, so here we go:. Total resident memory usage under 75mb whilst syncing chain. Time from launching Mooncoin to being ready to use, in the case of a sync'd chain, has been halved minimum. Standard sync time from scratch to current blockheight is 34 minutes. Due partially to 'headers first' functionality seen in late model codebases, but mainly optimized PoW validation during synchronization.

Extensive testing with the new Dual KGW3 difficulty retargetting algorithm. Probably the best i've worked with so far, especially the BitSend timeout feature this will gradually drop the difficulty over time if a block has not been found in x minutes.

After a lot of testing; i'm not quite happy with the new custom PoW algorithm and it will be tweaked over the next few days, to ensure that: I've also decided that Moonlite will be a plug-in module, rather than in-wallet; meaning that the 0. You mean nice job, you memed me into buying this shitcoin and i want to get rid of my 1m bags.

Discord cucks are trying to pump this. They decided to abandon the project and move to a new coin, beware if you buy in now you will be left with their bags.

Yep, calm before the storm and all that. Expect big wave when release date gets finalised, always the the same with these alt coins. This coin is dead, and so is your spirit. If I wasn't so retardedly new to trading at the time, I would have dumped this at 10 sats when there was btc volume. I still remember the glorious set of days when it leaped from 1 to 10 sats. Who says it can't happen again?

You can't even argue back, because you know you can't. I am right, and deep down you know it. Stop trying to deceive people to make a quick buck. Instead of defending this supposedly fantastic coin you cry on discord about me being a snake.

If Bittrex re-listed it, it would go somewhere. Until then, it's got nothing to ride on. This coin has nothing going for it. Offers nothing, so it's a pnd. It'll pump if you manage to convince people otherwise. But seeing as the discord shills are obvious and retarded, this will never happen. In addition to moon's bad rep. Umm any chance you fine Veeky Forumsnessmen can point me to a youtube video on how to set up a mooncoin wallet on ubuntu?

At one sat, what do I have to lose? I did some digging on twitter and found out that Mooncoin is partnering up with the online game Tibia - how come no shills in here are talking about that?

Is going to bring EVE online backing its credits with mooncoin?? This website may contain content of an adult nature. If you are under the age of 18, if such content offends you or if it is illegal to view such content in your community, please EXIT.

We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our advertising and analytics partners.

Answer this thread Start new thread. But the 80b wallet! All urls found in this thread: The updates actually coming? Holy shit this is great news. Will read Devs post history now. Latest message from Dev: Hi all, I've managed to get back on top of things, after doing some freelance work for a while.

Everyone is quite keen for an update on things, so here we go: You live and you learn, my friend. You mean when it finally finishes catching up after 3 years of stagnation? Many people have more than one job. How many coins do you support you cuck. Just like in the discord you can't defend your coin. Come on scooby, weed me out. Isn't it fucking obvious who I am? I don't see this coin pumping right now. Maybe once the community gets its shit together.

Come on, what's my name? There is nothing nice about people making gains, since someone else must then lose. Why did you bump this shit thread lmao scooby finally used his brain and stopped posting, do the same. I'm blue ban me if you can ahahhahaha publicly state my name before you ban me.

Ban me and I promise I'll buy 20M moon. I dont really understand what youre trying to do, but it seems dumb Disable AdBlock to view this page. Confirm your age This website may contain content of an adult nature.

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Yet the market is becoming more. Over the one hour trading period highlighted above 70k bitcoin changed hands at Bitfinex; this compares with an average daily volume of 20k bitcoin at Bitfinex over the past month.

The candlestick chart is the most common chart used to technically analyze and predict Bitcoin s price movements. Bitcoin US Dollar Investing.

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For reference the largest physical bank heist was the Dunbar armored truck robbery in it was only for28M in today s dollars. Here is Bitfinex s. But Bitfinex also has the most traders due to being the largest Bitcoin exchange. Instead buy spot at, then sell. You can try binance binance. The world s largest Bitcoin trading platform with advanced chart tools many cryptocurrencies low fees.

The Trader s Toolset: But Tether is an. This consistently high number of traders must mean that Bitfinex is doing something right.

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That s approximately60M dollars. Ripple reserves the right not to include transactions in XRP Charts that it believes are not bona fide, e. Bitcoin Charts has a few different chart types can even show moving averages. The below 30 day period graph from Bitcoinity, clearly shows Bitfinex s dominance in terms of volume.

Bitfinex has integrated TradingView charts so you can enjoy a complete suite of tools to draw,. Next data sheet graph shows income in percentage, depending on the daily interest rate on the investment timein years. Bitfinex starts registering new users only by invitation. The race to get bitcoin futures is now on. The tick chart above provides further evidence that Bitfinex led the price decline, with levels at various other exchanges. Technical and fundamental analysis.

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All metrics are updated by minute to minute, as they happen. Bitcoin Price in USD. Bittrex is amature hour IMO. Trade History Volume Market Depth. In addition to standard graphs username , such as e mail address, password the platform now require an invitation code.

Get Bitcoin Cash price charts other cryptocurrency info. Prefer a graphical trading experience. Bitfinex allows you to provide liquidity in the form of bitcoins dollars to traders who want to trade on margin. Some people use Bitfinex s. Bitfinex uses the professional Bitcoin chart of tradingview. Why Bitcoin exchanges aren t as straightforward as they seem.

Basically, the user can choose to lend the capital. Trade directly from the Bitfinex charts: Visualize your orders positions price alerts; Drag to change price; Tap to modify order properties; See your position profits.

Photo illustration of Bitfinex cryptocurrency exchange website taken September 27,. The chart offers all kinds of tools for in epth technical analysis. Bitcoin cash graph coinmarketcap. Org here s a graph of volume over this period with Bitfinex shown in orange. Real Time Charts price charts volume graphs, candlestick charts, market depth charts, full orderbook charts, many more stats , all the altcoins analytics.

Maijs Earlier this year some of the biggest exchanges such as Bitfinex, experienced problems with their correspondent banks were unable to pay out real world currencies to account holders.

The Pitfalls of Crypto Arbitrage. Bitcoin live charts Why litecoin Bitfinex trade. Ticker price graph, currency converter , price desktop notifications for Bitcoin more. Bitfinex seemed a tad confusing for a newbie like myself. Bitfinex referrer code UttOzlC1zZ.

Look at Bitfinex it s very professional looking, the graphs charts look amazing too. The margin trading is supported by margin loans. Real Time Bitcoin Chart. A surge in the value of crypto currencies provokes alarm New kids on. Jan for you to complete April for you to complete July for you to complete Questions. Remember if you don t possess your. Data may be delayed or incorrect.

Of course you being a savvy investor know that. Bitfinex holds the highest volume traded amongst US exchanges, which has somewhat miraculously risen from the ashes of it s August hack closely. And here s Tether s market cap: How should we be reading the fact that the price rallies in Bitcoin seem to be preceded by new influxes of Tether. However, the charts below show large differences between the prices of bitcoin U.

Bitfinex Flash Crash Analysis Blog. Not very intuitive for new users. Nigel Dollentas February 22, pm. Let me warn you this is going to be a bit of a rant if you re not in the mood for one rather scroll down a little to where I want to offer some tips.

It is updated twice a day for active exchanges there is a few dead exchanges too. But Bitfinex did not specify who and how will distribute these codes. What s the most user friendly exchange for trading bitcoin ethereum lite.

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