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If anything is unclear in this guide please leave a comment about it. The difficulty of the network is too high to effectively solo mine with a single computer. I suggest you skip to step 2 for pooled mining. Windows 32 bits Version 2. I will be using coinotron in this guide. Make sure LTC is selected under coin. This can be done with the following command:.
To start mining you have to use the following command, I prefer to run it from cmd so I can see any error might it occur. The number after -t stands for the amount of threads, I advise to set one for each core your cpu has, if it has hyperthreading you can see the virtual cores as normal ones also, there will be a small performance gain.
For solo mining, if you have more computers, just follow step 2 and replace the ip This way you can connect a whole network of computers to mine on your wallet. Here you can see the miner running, it shows the performance per thread, in this case 4 and the total hashrate when your first work is accepted.
You should be mining by now! Anything missing or any questions? Leave a comment below. If you want more hashing power the Radeon is currently the most energy efficient card, you can find a lot of them on sale here. I have a duo core processor what happens if you increase the T-x to 4 from 2… does it use up way more processing power and with a duo core if the computer is dedicated to just this function what can I set it to safely?
Am i doing something wrong here? I have a problem, please help me! After this error continue mining but I don't make any coin…block and block again and sometime this error… Please help me. Hello sir i am runing my cpu litecoin mining with c: I am trying to complete step 4 but getting error message. Can anyone help me out?
I installed an old version and the button was in place. I attempt to copy and paste the command you have listed and my cpu just beeps. I try to type in manually and it still just beeps. I have both in the file, which I just saved to desktop as it seems difficult to save the downloaded proxy into the file with the minerd when extracting minerd file to c: A really good pool I can recommend is this: Hello, can solo mining be stopped and continued later on?
Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: About Arras WordPress Theme. Cryptocurrencies All the information you need about cryptocurrencies. Litecoin LTC mining guide, cpu. Posted July 18, at 6: Posted July 19, at 8: Posted September 26, at 3: It will only show up when you get an acceptance and will only stay there for a few minutes.
Posted July 24, at 5: Posted August 7, at Posted August 8, at 5: Posted August 14, at 9: Hi, First, thanks for this tutorial! How do i know if i mined a coin and when and how will I see this? Posted August 16, at 3: Posted August 16, at Posted August 22, at 6: Is there any command to underclock your processor in a CPU Miner? Posted August 31, at 1: Posted September 12, at 9: Posted September 15, at Posted September 17, at 2: Posted September 24, at 9: How to open a litecoin wallet?
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