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Web LinkInstructions on Modern American Bridge Building Tower, G. cn CEX. Co quan, t.
Ngayurnangalku Cannibal Story AU6: In this Impakt Festival, two guest from Indonesia will present their work: Otty Widasari and Manshur Zikri They have worked together in the […].
Remko Dekker, BlueWine Date: It is a question that […]. Anxious to know what impact the advent of cyborgs will have on our society? Get acquainted with the future through a technical experiment developed by bot koment status fb keren. Organized as an […]. A futuristic vision of a world after a catastrophic disaster. In this dark parable mutated limbs are looking for cooperation, but due to miscommunication this […].
Rayfish Footwear is a fictional company that offered personalized sneakers crafted […]. This video shows a compilation of the Human Birdwings project. Human Birdwings was an online story in which fictional character Jarno Smeets developed wings in […]. Metalosis Maligna is a fictional documentary about a disease that affects patients with medical implants.
Metalosis Maligna occurs when a metal implant interacts badly with […]. Nature adapts, even to human actions that seem to destroy everything. Floris Kaayk knows how to fool you. He lures you bot koment status fb keren by sharing a dream -or nightmare- and then takes you along the journey of […].
In the Grimm fairytale of the same name, the spinning wheel of Rumpelstilzchen spins golden threads. In this film, spinning wheels resonate with film reels, […]. Remko Dekker The opening night started with the opening of the exhibition: On Friday October 17th, we had the opening of a special part of the!? Exhibition in the Sleper Gallery, where a special work of […]. Tosca Sel on the sense and non-sense of online dating and algorithms.
Hooked on the electronic man! The lonely life of an African immigrant bot koment status fb keren is locked up in big apartment building. Based on a text by Dutch writer W. Absolutely is bot koment status fb keren experimental documentary that combines social change, dogma and state sanctioned mind control with carnal systems.
In a smart and contagious edit the […]. The festival will be opened officially on Wednesday 29 October at Installation YouTube Walls Artists today recognize the potential for using YouTube as both a means of display and discovery. In the bar of the Kikker […]. Theater Kikker Guests, curators and artists from the Soft Machines program meet with researchers in the fields of affective computing, artificial intelligence, and […].
A joint project by Impakt, Kunstbalie and Kunst Bot koment status fb keren. Opening on 24 October: After that open on 25 and 26 October and from 29 October to 2 November: This is an informal get-together for all the artists and guests in the Panorama Program and curators, distributors, festival programmers and art professionals from the […]. Students and professors from universities in Utrecht and bot koment status fb keren Dutch cities are invited to […].
For nearly a year, Scourti kept a daily diary in the form of Gmail emails that she sent to herself. The Google AdWords algorithm converted […]. Bakowski develops an architectural metaphor for the way a film can construct emotional states by piecing together certain images and associations. What would it be […]. From the middle to the end of the nineties Impakt presented two programs on the local Utrecht cable television network: The Impakt Festival is coming and we need your help!
Would you like to have a look behind the scenes of an international festival, […]. Rosa Menkman Tickets via: Joseph Krommendijk — Yvan Tickets via: For some a natural development, for others a source of personal traumas, this program […]. Brody Condon bot koment status fb keren Future Gestalt Tickets via: Theater Kikker About the program: In collaboration with San Serriffe.
Tony and Obie award-wining writer and director Annie […]. Using a deadly accident at Sea World as its […]. Anna Lundh, The Tale of the Big Computer,mixed media performance, dimensions variable About the performance: Lundh resurrects the forgotten history of the […]. Harun Farocki — Inextinguishable Fire, Tickets via: On 30 July filmmaker Harun Farocki passed away, 70 years […].
Brainmapping, courtesy of Dr. Marc-Olivier Gewaltig Tickets via: Theater Kikker About bot koment status fb keren lecture: Bot koment status fb keren digital simulation of the brain might only be the beginning of […]. The most extreme emotional registers go hand in hand […]. John Butler — Ethical Governor About the program: Theater Kikker About the presentation: Developed from work with Marina Abramovic, […]. Lutz Dammbeck Filmproduktionmap Arpanet Tickets via: A speculative documentary […].
Thing — Anouk de Clercq Tickets via: Every place, be it virtual, private or public, is inspired by ideas […]. Jon Rafman Betamale Tickets via: Mark Leckey, Prop4aShw, Opening: Luc Steels Tickets via: A leader in machine learning and robotics for 30 years, Dr.
Steels has spent […]. Sookoon Ang — Exorcize Me Tickets via: Is this a cruel joke or a clumsy attempt to establish contact? Emilia Ukkonen talks […].
Francois Pachet Tickets via: Metahaven, Call, Tickets via: Tristan Perich, Dual Synthesis,harpsichord and 4-channel 1-bit electronics, dimensions variable. The closing night of the festival will once again give stage to this notorious live show. Isabel Cavenecia — Level 1 Tickets via: Visionary animations show a realistic picture of the future, via YouTube.
Winner of the […]. The time has come. The Impakt Channel is online! The best film and video art, selected by Impakt and guest curators, now at your fingertips […]. Benjamin Nuel — Hotel Tickets via: Nadav Assor — Feelers Tickets via: Through the properties of the shiny surface of the screen, the films in this programme […].
It is a question […]. The program of the festival featured various thematic […]. Impakt Headquarters Come and join us for the last Impakt Film […].
Impakt Headquarters Entry Fee: Impakt Headquarters Join us for the third screening of the […]. Contemporary Mexican Video is a subjective panorama bot koment status fb keren Mexican video production showcasing the practice […].
Impakt Headquarters Tuesday the 23th of September we will screen the first film of the […]. Rundum Film is a loop of three film strips with a length of 23, bot koment status fb keren or 13 cm that simultaneously map the spatial and temporal […].
Web LinkInstructions on Modern American Bridge Building Tower, G. cn CEX. Co quan, t.