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Recently, the potential role of metal—organic framework MOFs and porous coordination polymers PCPs has been recognized in the field of air quality management AQM due to their intrinsically tunable chemical structure and multifunctional properties which afforded significant enhancements in adsorption capacities, catalytic degradation, and removal of diverse airborne pollutants and other vapors.

A diverse range of MOFs was investigated for separation, capture, and storage of bitcoin atm emmett id we are your one stop shop for complete information and also obtain for this ne gases and other pollutants including volatile organic compounds VOCssulfur compounds, and chemical warfare agents CWAs.

It should however be noted that some drawbacks of MOFs are also found such as: Here, we provide an up-to-date review on the promising role of MOFs in the field of AQM in relation to the diverse available synthesis methods. The article was received on 06 Sepaccepted on 15 Nov and first published on 17 Nov If you are not the author of this article and you wish to reproduce material from it in a third party non-RSC publication you must formally request permission using RightsLink.

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Fetching data from CrossRef. This may take some time to load. Jump to main content. Jump to site search. Previous Article Next Article. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Metal—organic frameworks for the control and management of air quality: Back to tab navigation Download options Please wait Download Author version PDF.

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