Hastings Entertainment

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Hastings Entertainment was a U. Hastings Entertainment stores were also located in many college towns in the U.

Hastings Entertainment was headquartered in Amarillo, Texas. The company initially weathered the decline of video rental stores, outliving both Blockbuster Video and Hollywood Video.

However, declining sales finally forced the company to shift its' primary focus to collectibles and comic liquidation station russellville ar movie in the s. Through the early to mid s, Hastings became the largest comic book retailer in the United States. When no individuals or companies came forward to purchase franchises, Hastings announced its' closure in the Summer of Hastings' flagship store in Conroe, Texas closed on Liquidation station russellville ar movie 29,and the remaining stores closed two days later on October 31, Inthe company was founded as a retailing division of Western Merchandisers, Inc.

Despite the closure of other video rental stores such as Blockbuster and Hollywood video, Hastings initially thrived in the early s due to a diversification of merchandise.

Inthe company opened an account with Diamond Comic Distributorsmaking Hastings the largest direct market comic book retailer in the United States. The comic sections of all stores were expanded in connection with the Diamond account. InHastings redesigned its stores to emphasize toys, gifts, action figures, and liquidation station russellville ar movie and branded products, which had higher profit margins, as sales of books, music, and videos declined.

The move also sought to combat the growing popularity of digital media, by emphasizing products which could not be downloaded. Inafter liquidation station russellville ar movie of losses and with more losses projected in the future, the company's directors decided to shop the company to potential buyers.

In JuneHastings Entertainment filed for bankruptcy protection. Hastings Entertainment was granted an extra week to find new investors or restructure the business as a franchise. Failing to find any interested parties, the company went up for auction on July 20, Rather than allow the few Hastings that were still profitable to continue operating, Hilco and Gordon Brothers opted to liquidate the entire company.

Hilco and Gordon Brothers employees took over management responsibilities of all Hastings stores and operated them for their final three months of business. The Hastings in Conroe, Texas, one of the company's last remaining flagship stores, shut down on October 29, The final Hastings stores were closed on October 31, The number of retail stores peaked at a few years before bankruptcy: On March 7,the company restated its earnings in the first three quarters of fiscal Hastings Entertainment For other uses, liquidation station russellville ar movie Hastings disambiguation.

Retrieved 18 May Retrieved 16 June Retrieved September 8, Hastings saw bleak future". Archived from the original on October 13, Retrieved November 4, Liquidation station russellville ar movie, TexasUSA.

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