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It wraps around to form a part of the center hull as well. The retractable wing-like sail attached to the mast is made from Kevlar, a high-strength synthetic fiber. And it doesn't just catch the wind -- it catches the sun as well. Tiny solar cells cover the sail, allowing it to soak up The 'Freakonomics' author thinks more companies should adopt Google's approach to problem-solving. The Wall Street Journal: The metal coil shown here doesn't look like much.

Just some looped copper. But if you run an alternating current through it, the coil will produce a magnetic field. And if you create the right kind of That's how LoopPay works. LoopPay is a mobile payments startup that lets you load your credit cards into an accessory, like a smartphone case or dongle, and make payments just by tapping it against a british dressage rules bitstamp magnetic credit card reader.

LoopPay's technology can be built into a lot of things like keychain fobs, dongles, and smartphone cases. The company just launched a new case that fits the iPhone 6 and formed a partnership with some third-party case makers for other devices.

But the real exciting prospect for Just Yet Business Insider - 6 Jan Elon Musk has held a public british dressage rules bitstamp and answer session on Reddit, sharing everything british dressage rules bitstamp his daily habits to his fear of killer robots. Musk dismissed the idea that his fears of artificial intelligence are just hype, telling the Reddit commenter that "The timeframe is not immediate, but we should be concerned. There needs to be a lot more work on AI safety.

The exchange was taken offline after the theft of 18, bitcoins was Herbalife shares fall 12 percent, slide to 2-year low New York Post british dressage rules bitstamp 6 Jan Herbalife shares sank 12 percent Monday, becoming one of the biggest losers in a day when the overall stock markets fell 2 percent.

And the question of whether Europe can handle another crisis in Greece is heightening financial uncertainty for the currency Some analysts and politicians say Greece 2. They claim the currency bloc has new safeguards. Most investors seem to agree for now. British dressage rules bitstamp argue that's dangerous complacency. They say the eurozone's newly installed defenses against financial turmoil aren't as tough as some think.

That means Greek problems could spread to other countries -- so that the potential fallout from a Greek debt default or even a euro exit shouldn't be downplayed.

Sanders has been considering a presidential run for months. The letter Sanders sent on Monday to U. Trade Representative Michael Froman criticizes secrecy standards that Froman's office imposes on british dressage rules bitstamp Labor british dressage rules bitstamp is unusual for a Berkshire company and this particular fight is turning nasty.

Need to change your behavior? Consult your inner caveman. British dressage rules bitstamp portable printer works like a Roomba for documents Venture Beat - 6 Jan Bill Gross just called an end to the bull market, again Market Watch - 6 Jan Rally will falter as era of ultra-loose british dressage rules bitstamp policy comes to an end, warns Bill Gross. India turns net importer of iron ore in Business Standard - 6 Jan As against exports of around british dressage rules bitstamp million tonne, the country imported over 8 million tonne of key steel-making raw material in Read More 1.

Last year's high oil prices incentivized producers to Space Exploration Technologies aborted its daring Falcon 9 rocket mission today, citing technical trouble moments before it was due for liftoff. While the exact reason for the aborted launch is not Qualcomm, Inc Presentation Review Bidness etc. The company gave a heads up on its future expansion plans and Whether you do is ultimately up to President Barack Obama. Last year, as part of his plan to raise wages through executive action, the president ordered the Labor Department to revise the rules that determine which workers are eligible for overtime british dressage rules bitstamp.

Under the Depression-era Fair Labor Standards Act, hourly workers earn time-and-a-half for hours worked beyond 40 in a week. The idea is to give companies a choice: British dressage rules bitstamp pay a premium for having employees work more, or hire Gone are the days when technology breakthroughs were carefully safeguarded behind a barricade of patents that would keep rivals from copying them.

For tech companies and well, automakers nowit's You read that correctly. Sony is coming out with a Walkman you remember those, right? You might be thinking this is crazy, but the device has already won people over. Miller writes, I love the new ZX2. I love the texture of its matte black casing. Worries about surplus oil supplies were fueled by data showing output in Russia hit a post-Soviet-era high in and exports from Iraq were the highest since Read More 1.

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