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Recurring theme would be a BRexit. This time Max is explaining the case of extreme greed of British, which will have some serious consequences. Will it be a hard ending like Puerto Rico bankruptcy?

Anyway, Puerto Rico case is more that educational… especially for a debt ridden EU countries. Bitcoin to the rescue! They discuss the Big Four audit firms and how bailout consultants are raking in big bucks from the bailout business.

Earlier episodes of Keiser Report:. Alasdair Macleod [e] Fed Balancing Sheet ft. Dan Collins [e] Silicon Valley Destruction ft.

Dan Collins [e] End of Easy Money? Mike Maloney [e] Russian Connection ft. Reggie Middleton [e] High Rent Blight ft. Tyson Slocum [e] What is Wrong with America? Lee Camp [e] 'Powerful KeiserPepe' ft. Jaromil [e] Go Viral or Die Trying ft.

Jaromil [e] Pension Crisis ft. Bob Gill [e] Lethal Economic Shocks ft. Gerald Celente [e] Economic Populism ft. Wolf Richter [e] Rise of the Machines ft. Wolf Richter [e] Neoliberalism is Junk ft. Chris Martenson [e] Breakdown in Liberal Ideology ft. Michael Krieger [e] Greek Final Reckoning ft. Michael Hudson [e] Financial illusionism, crocodiles feasting ft. Trond Andresen More at: Since the financial crisis, European citizens have become familiar with the idea that public money can be used to rescue fi nancial institutions from bankruptcy.

Above all, it highlights in a fresh and documented way the role of the Big Four audit fi rms and a small coterie of financial consultancy fi rms in the business of designing and implementing bail out programs in EU Member States.

The report explains the consequences of the Banking Union for the rescue business, and fi nally, it explores alternatives proposed by TNI, such as the promotion and creation of public banks. Greece should sell some real estate. Or perhaps a big corp like Apple or Disney could buy the whole country. Imagine what they could do with it. Greece should refuse to pay interests on predatory loans, should step out of the euro zone and reinstate drachma again, or they will die like slaves.

Fortunately I don't have any debt. But speaking of debt, personal debt and state debt are not comparable. It's all different ballgame. I always wondered about that. Why is it legal, and supposedly moral for a group of people the state to do what is not legal, or moral for individuals to do? Hate to keiser report bitcoin vs banksters greece "I told you so.

I think that socialist came to power about then "Pop Venezuela today is an example. Thanks brother rouketasI wish you Greeks get rid of your scum politicians.

Many thanks from my heart for your wish! I hope some day we manage to do that, but as keiser report bitcoin vs banksters greece story tells since every leader he was looking for his "ass". Greece is selling real estate but they are selling it for pennys over night. Too much socialism for too long tends to kill a country. I liked it when I was keiser report bitcoin vs banksters greece.

I wish you luck. Greece was never socialist. This situation is caused by neoliberal capitalism imposed through EU integration and predatory loans, mainly from German and France banks Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas are greatest creditors of Greece. I lived there for four years. Nobody held a gun, they were deceived with the help of their dirty politicians, puppets of plutocrats.

Here is the movie that explains everything:. After the Kennedy assanation Jackie Kennedy married some dude name of Onassis? Wasn't greece fairly well off back then? I don't need to see the movie. Keiser report bitcoin vs banksters greece sure that was the first time in history anyone has ever been deceived by dirty polliticians or pluto the puppet. It wasn't their fault. It was a unique situation, how could they have possibly known?

Iceland has got out by jailing rotten banksters, but Cyprus didn't. Former offshore paradise has gone completely bust in …. They have showed what has to be done, keiser report bitcoin vs banksters greece MSM never mutterred a word on it. Never-ending Greek bailout E And can Bitcoin finally help them to avoid disaster? But that's just a start! Earlier episodes of Keiser Report: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

Or should I say eDrachma? In we didn't have blockchain! Thank you very much my friend! Here is the movie that explains everything: There is an explanation in the movie. Show keiser report bitcoin vs banksters greece more reply. So, why does Americans allow the same deceit on them? Are they also socialists? The experiment started with Keiser report bitcoin vs banksters greece or Cyprus?

So Iceland had drain the swamp!! Thanks for posting this documentary: You are welcome, my friend. This one is also excellent if you didn't see it already: My weekend is booked now.

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