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With oil prices falling, Venezuela teeters on defaulting on its debt. The president of Sprung Investment Management shares his latest insight and answers your questions Read More 2. The Wall Street Journal: Pension measure seen as model for further cuts Market Watch - 15 Dec A measure included in Congress's mammoth spending bill permits benefit cuts for retirees in one kind of pension plan, a big shift that lawmakers and others believe could set a precedent for other French oil-service company Technip on Sunday said it has dropped plans to acquire peer CGG after talks on a potential merger failed.

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Huge institutions, archaic systems and lots of money at stake. These are the conditions that have brought tech entrepreneurs to the wildly exciting and growing arena of financial tech. As draws to a close, here are 15 Fintech companies that made a mark over the past year and will be interesting to watch in The year the stock market slows CNN - 15 Dec Not quite the stellar return of recent years.

Treasurer set to announce more cuts to exxi premarket most active aid and confirm significant drops in revenue caused by falling commodity prices in mid-year economic fiscal outlook statement Read More 2. Technological advances in hydraulic fracturing in recent years have enabled drillers to extract oil exxi premarket most active gas from America's shale basins.

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Police tase 76 year old man while trying to arrest him for driving with an expired inspection sticker. As it happens, Pete Vasquez was driving a vehicle from the car dealership where he worked. It still had dealer tags. So it actually didn't require inspection stickers.

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Also, thanks to all who contacted us about sponsorship. They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. So far they only have plans on an Australian beta https: If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good. Don't buy penny stocks you cum guzzling mouth breathing retard. Don't use Robin Hood. They offer very limited protection.

Robin Hood cannot subvert the miasmas of legal liability it takes to be a successful broker. I don't know dude. It's 4chan, people offer really bad advice on here.

Reddit is an excellent forum for entitlement babies. Zero commissions gives you room to learn without consequences. If you came to 4chan looking for good advice, I suggest you look for porn and fap off instead. I've never traded before. Just did my research, bought the right stocks, and watch it work. Good job man keep it up, I believe in you. I hope it goes up: I've been trading since January. I do research and fact-check the stocks people talk about in these threads.

More important than any sort of gains I've made I think is just the capital I've been setting aside to do so. My goal is to break 30, in the next 6 months. Anyone with any experience who feels they have something they can contribute.. We've created a chat room think-tank, and we're making each other money with an impressive success rate.

It's a fun app for people just looking to dick around with mommy and daddies spending cash, but open an account with a legitimate broker if you want to do this through your lifetime. There have certainly been some strange bumps a regular broker could handle. And someone please kill the person who made reddit. People are just dicking around and learning here. The anons with money already know what you're spouting off about so really you're contributing jack shit and expecting career investors to be on one of the least known boards on 4chan.

Not trying to bash you, just trying to let you know that not only are you wasting your time giving advice people don't need but your also failing to see most people on here are here to learn and dick around. People on those are pretty established. Don't blame him for bag holding. How long did it take to verify your guys banks accounts? Its taking over a week now. I've just been putting it in my savings but I've been told that I'm young and should invest.

I would do this work for free though it's research so it's just spare money. Only invest after you have a stable income and an emergency fund in savings. The exact number of savings depends on your situation but enough to cover 3 months of expenses should be the minimum. You can start with any amount. Just don't think because you're poor you have to buy penny stocks.

I have two more years of undergrad and then something like more getting a PhD, so dunno when I will actually start a stable job. I have full time work every summer but with school all I can do with any stability is part-time work. I'll keep what you say in mind though. I think I'll try with low amounts just to see what's up. Since it's my first time I think it's natural to be worried about security, since I'm putting my bank info and SSN.

I assume the major companies like Vanguard, TD Ameritrade, etc. That's what I had to do.. It's shit advice that gets torn apart constantly. You're young that's when you should take risks. Invest what you can and do your research. I don't know why him and his ilk keep giving that advice when nobody ever takes it or plans to take it. I was in the kik before, and I'm interested in a chat like this, but I really dislike kik and phone apps in general.

I'm a desktop kind of guy. You're just gonna quit everything and go be homeless? Take some fucking responsibility for your life. If you don't use money from your student loans, just stash it for a rainy day. Almost everyone serious about their finances does have savings. Don't know where your getting your info that they don't. Go ahead and start a wealth survey thread, you'll see. That seems to be about a new video game every month, more or less. Even if it's with penny stocks, at least I can get the hang of it.

I didn't say not to have savings. You're making it out like he can't invest for years because he has to have a huge nest egg. He lives at home faggot, he can save and invest pretty easily.

Don't be a bitch to me just because your advice was stupid. His investments in this period will not matter in the long run. Now is the time to put in a few hundred, if he has it saved, and get experience. That way when he can afford to put in more he will have a better understanding of what he is doing. What's wrong with penny stocks. My kik is ahjason. Of course they are. Look up "blue chip stocks". By the way, if anyone wants to talk stocks and shit I don't have kik was getting weird adds from people I didn't even know Is there any way someone can set up a skype group?

I feel like that would be ideal. If not and there's interest I could set it up. Feel free to add me on skype: I spammed a bunch of fake emails to get into the Australia beta. Will Robin Hood still process my account? I have a few shares of stocks in an OptionsHouse account. I want to transfer them to a Robinhood account. Can I do this, and if so, how? Seems like a bargain at current price. Gonna watch it tomorrow. You butt fucks are set on stock trading. Sure, blue chip stocks are fine and dandy when you want to sit back and jerk off to trap porn.

If you want to see better returns in moderately less time, trade options. I have access to Morningstar and TheStreet equity research. Give me a ticker and I'll upload the latest report.

I have no idea how to start on stocks, I just looked up some articles on types of stocks, how to start I have a question, if I buy stocks do I get money over time like investment or do I need to wait for the stock to rise in price to sell it to gain any profit?

I don't think they'll find out though. At least not through my broker. That may mean they haven't made a report in the last year. Reminder that there is a chat that anyone can join: It a stock that can do 1 cent to 25 pretty easily because it did close to that last summer except that time it was a 0.

I have no idea if this is a actual company anymore. What we are looking for is news or rumors of a 'lime flavor' coming out, if it happens then I think it'll go nuts because tbqh the reason this company failed was because the original flavor tasted like cough syrup. Only CRIS was available for thestreet: I'll probably ask more of you at a later time. These people are the new norm with student loans and rent inflation and the disappearance of proper paying jobs.