List of Bitcoin Forums and Communities

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Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Learn more… Top users Synonyms. I don't speak English well. Where can I get help with questions about Bitcoin? I'm interested in Bitcoin but don't speak English well. Where can I find more information about Bitcoin, and get help with my questions in [my mothertongue]? This is a canonical question to serve as I just saw some people that were once labeled "Scammers" are now labeled "Untrustworthy" instead.

Does anyone retain scammer tags, or was this a rename? Copy of old forum? Is there a copy somewhere of the old bitcoin forum? I would like to read early discussions and banter. Linking a transaction to a Bitcoin user Has anyone tried and perhaps succeeded at linking a transaction to a possibly controversial site such as Wikileaks to a Bitcoin forum user by their forum signatures? I know a lot of people disclose What is the state of Witcoin? There used to be a forum site called Witcoin.

It was interesting in that in order to post, you'd have to pay bitcoins, and when someone replied or upvoted, you made bitcoins. The site went away. Thilo 2, 2 20 Ogrr market size I've heard that [Ogrr] http: Could someone who knows the forum well provide us with information about: How large is the transaction Leonard Huang 87 4. What forums or websites have an active bitcoin section? Which websites have active bitcoin communities with discussion that is going on?

Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.