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Will I ever see a return on my money? Doge coinNumber 24 in coinmarketcap. This coin has been in existence since A lot of alt coins have not been in existence that long I know the website is a bit dodgy http: Litecoin, and dogecoin silver Dogecoin is among the best cryptocurrency investments. He dogecoin silver top 5 coins you can get on the cheap wih great growth potential forward to 7: Maybe, if Bitcoin is goldLitecoin is silver, Ether is steel of the crypto currenciesDoge coin would bronze.

Bronze coins are what we buy candy with, or what we give to charity or for tipping I know we dogecoin silver should give more. I might get some value with my Doge dogecoin silver http: I dont know anything about it but it's been around for a while By the way, did you know that they are literally going to send dogecoin to the moon? A crowdfund has dogecoin silver made to send a physical dogecoin to the moon by !

That's how fun dogecoin silver community is. What I heard is they sent guys to the last winter Olympics dogecoin silver Good to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about dogecoin silver.

No matter how populair a coin is. People should always do a proper background check. It surprises me how many coins are out there that don't have their basics right. I found this great website: Is DogeCoin a joke coin? He recommended top 5 coins you can get on the cheap wih great growth potential. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Hehe, I didn't know Purtin doge had influence. Excellent post, thank you. I would say as far as metals go, it would be:

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