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Humans becoming more like machines. Machines becoming more like humans. Over the centuries, scientists speculated that we could tap into the body's electrical system to restore lost functions or enhance our powers, like machines. Science fiction has returned again and again to the merger of man and machine, the Cyborg, with fascination and fear. As we steadily merge with our technology, the focus is on devices that enhance our senses and minds and knit us together in new ways.
Members of a lab at the University of Toronto have been pioneering the computerized life style. Imagine a day when machines walk among us, expressing thoughts, emotions, demanding their rights. Today, we are breathing intelligence, even life, into creatures of silicon and steel. To build a humanoid that can function in our world is a bold challenge being taken up by isolated labs around the world. Researchers are infusing robots with abilities ranging from grasping to hearing and vision. If tomorrow's robots are going to share our world, they will have to have something extra: Bulshit, misleading talk of modern science!
There's no future for those who don't respect and learn lessons of the past! Until we don't learn laws of nature can't expect some light future neither. A good movie with a fantastic sound track. If you like your films with huge dollops of superlatives, then this is the ultimate documentary for you!
The narrator claims that soon we will feel 'left out' if we''re not hooked-up full-time to a central processor that knows where we are. I'd guess lots of folk see this as a nightmare rather than a utopia.
Also it would be nice to feed the global population adequately before spending x zillion dollars on turning us all into cyborgs.
We're already hooked up to GPS via our smartphones so people can pretty much be traced wherever they are. OK, maybe not lasers. How about hands that stay still like a chickens head? Might be good for taking photos: The robots from Honda are really cool!
I hope I get to see a Robo soccer cup one day. So the one percent will be able to do without their wage slaves and have nice compliant robots doing everything for then A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
Hadn't thought of that: Maybe chest lasers are needed after all, or force fields! Got a bit carried away thinking about all the cool prosthetics they might make, damn my optimism! The worst I imagined was Robot from Lost in Space, short stiff arms and a bad attitude ;. Let's hope that robots, when linked together, decide that human psychology is best avoided. We ae not the best example of a sane organism. The original concept of human merging with robots seems likely to me.
In the future there will be no humanoid robots and no humans, only "dumb" machines think factory robots and cyborgs: Intelligence will evolve exponentially. Our ability to create computers will lead to the next step in human evolution, very possibly saving the species.
They can find your phone The program can also simply be turned off. At least the ones we know about. In future i can hack the robot and command him to do bad things. I hope the researchers think about this topic allso, when they are building robots.
With all that consumerism I hope they will make that the new event can be used under water now the polar are melting even faster! Build a beautiful lady robot, it can do ALL that a real woman can do, but, without the nagging and screaming I'll divorce my present wife, buy it and marry it!
I love sci fi It might be one of the C J Cherryh series--can't remember exactly--that includes human brains installed in spaceships always someone whose body was not viable for some reason such as birth defect or severe injuries. When the stories were told from the human spaceship's POV not always, sometimes they were just supporting characters was pretty interesting.
They want most of the population eliminated,and to herd the rest into smaller and smaller areas which will be your own prison. You will be unable to travel freely,all your monetary value will be on an electronic chip,which they will have the ability to shutdown if you oppose the NWO.
Go make a real a Baby! Yeah we need more of those. That's a good, logical solution. Everybody go out and have loads of babies, its not like this world has too many mouths to feed or anything. And let's chastise the people who are being responsible and not having too many kids while we're at it.
All hail the coming Idiocracy! The stupids can't keep their pants on, so the future will be dumb and very poor. I really dont know what to think about all this. I mean i could tell my grandma and sould would probably just zone me out or stair at me, not really understanding "ROBOTS" I dont know peeeps, run for the hills, dont return home that day! I couldn't have said it better. This doesn't exist outside of Asimov creating it for a single story.
Actual robots living in symbiosis with man would be more complicated, and there's no construct that is obligated to adhere to any of it, should sapience emerge.
You don't gauge the sapience of someone else because their mother exists, so as robots should not adhere to human ideals because they were created by man. I would like to volunteer to be the cyborg Where and how does one go to volunteer?
Comments of you guyz are just cool.. But whenever someone talks about More than human thing.. So if u think like a normal human being you wont get all that.. Seroiusly we need some upgrades..