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How do USB bitcoin miners work and are they worth purchasing? I have recently noticed USB miners available for sale online and would like more detail as to how they work. I have a basic understanding of bitcoin and I am interested in getting started.

I have managed to setup bitcoin in the past but for some reason could never mine any coins or get the clients to begin processing. Dedicated bitcoin hardware android bitcoin miner usb devalued when a better android bitcoin miner usb comes out, so it is questionable if it will cover its purchase and electricity cost. For PC based mining, one of the other coins that resists the dedicated hardware approach may work out better, but unless you have free electricity, or run them as winter heating, the profit is always being pushed down as there are android bitcoin miner usb many doing it.

This basically equates to a high cost gaming computer if you do not have one. Anything less than a decent gaming computer would take several days to mine one or two coins, if not longer. Not trying to discourage you from trying, but don't expect relatively decent results without a dedicated machine optimized for mining performance.

Your results were indeed related to your computers hardware. The faster the hardware, the more calculations can be done, the higher the chance of getting a android bitcoin miner usb of a Bitcoin.

That's where those USB or appliance like miners come in. They are designed to be android bitcoin miner usb efficient in the type of calculation used for mining Bitcoins. I don't want to discourage you from doing Bitcoin mining but in my honest opinion you are going to waste your money.

People have been spending thousands of dollars on Bitcoin optimized hardware setups with a turnover time frame of multiple years. On top of that the chance of calculating a Bitcoin is getting lower every single day. Just do the math yourself: How much are you paying for Internet per Month?

If the linked article below is any indication even a high-efficiency, low-power USB based setup won't get you anywhere close to this, let alone pay off the mining hardware.

Are USB-based bitcoin miners any good? Hassan November 29, USB mining hardware dongles can even be driven by a Raspberry Pi.

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