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As promised I am sharing pump and dump Bittrex bot with you guys. Hope Everyone will be on the same page then, as new traders used to loose money and traders running bot steal their hard earned money. You can change the number of sell order by passing splits last parameterbut remember 0. Share your thoughts or strategies in the comment section below. If you are a geek, Do contribute to the github repository. UpVote if you find it helpful, Resteemit to spread the words, Follow Me for more updates and cryptocurrency technical analysis.

Join My Channel at Telegram: Crypto Trading Technical Analysis. Hello,i just found an awesome channel with free pump and signals! Already earned a lot from them so i want you to profit from it too! Check their video and join the chat its FREE! They are selling a better bot and holding giveaways often! The terminal says "ruby: I use it on Mac if it helps. I followed your directions, I cd-ed to the directory that I put the file in, in my btc robot the first automated bitcoin trading rob directory it was the only file there.

I also installed the rest-client, now instead of. Thanks for this bot. This is a bit technically more advanced than I'm used to, but will try it.

Does this only work for Bittrex? Is there a Poloniex bot? But that didn't work for me. I went to Homebrew site and got this code, and it worked: Now I'm trying to follow your next instruction: So I think I understand the bot and how to run it, but can you please help advise me on update Ruby.

Make sure you navigate to the same directory where you kept bittrex script before running bot command. Great work, pretty simple to use. We spoke on Telegram too and he has been of help thought its a free bot! This bot is definitely one of the best I have tried so far. You did a really great job.

I can confirm the bot is safe and working. Great work aqfaridibut it'd btc robot the first automated bitcoin trading rob much better if you could make a video and show us how it actually works. Too many steps in here which makes it a bit cumbersome and a bit scary to use btc robot the first automated bitcoin trading rob in case it doesn't work and does something weird while using on Bittrex.

Thank you man cryptodogI think you have overlooked the post, i had embedded the demo video in the last section of the post. Have a look at it: I was thinking of doing something like this manually few days ago. Will try it for sure! I decided to open another trading account on bittrex for this usage.

The script is easy to understand even thou I dont know how to code in ruby. Its much less complicated than i thought. I was just looking for some bots for the last few days and this one is way simpler to install and use than others.

Also running cron job would be great. Im not sure btc robot the first automated bitcoin trading rob if coin is bought and then later sold, it would it be bought again if the conditions are still met.

It would perhaps be wise to delist if for some time. Like i said i don't know ruby and btc robot the first automated bitcoin trading rob programing skills are not that good but in case i manage something with it i will make commits. This post received a 2.

For more information, click here! Come to Woldwide bittrex pump group The power of the bittrex forces is strong you can get good btc robot the first automated bitcoin trading rob this place is real. Join Telegram channels http: An easy and clear GUI and front end for this sort of thing. There's so much potentiate for this sort of thing I have no idea why it's not been done. So much more potential than just ease of use by a single individual, but I'll have to write my own idea out for that soon.

I'd certainly pay a good amount for something that makes using bots like this easy, even really basic bots. If someone were to provide proof they can do it, I am sure crowd funding such work would be easy. Even right here on Steemit for a general donation pool. Now more than ever this would be popular with all the new people coming in. Come on surely some programmer can get togetehr with a designer or maybe they can do both themselves and make their work multiply in value 20 quintillion times?

Hey, I've built a simple to to use Pump and Dump bot with a beautiful GUI, It's well tested and has made me a fair amount of profit in the past 2 months. Contact me at https: NilClass NoMethodError from bot. I am very thanks to your brilliant effort. My prompt showed only " https: Unfortunately I also do have the problem empjin has. Already tried to update, didn't work for me. No coins get purchased. Install Ruby version manager RVM: Hope this helps, see the instructions to install ruby on Windows machine in youtube demo video comments section.

Hi, thanks for posting this! I wanted to try it out and see how it worked. I am running into the following error. What is my next step? I believe I have followed all the steps above and the steps below to troubleshoot. I would really appreciate some help on this, I am very interested in testing it out. By clicking on the file directly, it will execute and close without any parameters set you need to manually open the command prompt and run from there.

Thank you for the walk through, I have it all set up but I am getting a run error "bash: I have installed the rest-client and have been reading through your responses for answers but I can't come up with anything. We are looking for Bot Builders http: Thx for posting I recently started using this pump and dump group for infos https: Trying to do pump and HODL for unervalued coins.

If btc robot the first automated bitcoin trading rob still read this - Can you tell how much profit I can make from it daily? I would recommend https: Bittrex Pump and Dump Bot for Free!! Hey folks, As promised I am sharing pump and dump Bittrex bot with you guys.

Steps to Setup the Bot: Under API Keys in sidebar: Git optional if you don't want to contribute, just download the repo from github Install Ruby on your machine as script is written in ruby language. If btc robot the first automated bitcoin trading rob are a geek, Do contribute to the github repository Bot Demo: Extending it detect pump or momentum in the crypto pair.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I also installed the rest-client, now instead of "ruby: Hey man did you figure this out? I'm having the same issue: I'm having some problems updating Ruby on my Mac here. My Ruby version is: Hi, is this bot still working? Registered on steemit just because i want to thank you so much for sharing. I will definitely be using this.

Upvoted, folliwing, resteemed and promoted! I've literally had no problem with Bittrex so far. I had the same problem, and I solved with that, thanks!!!

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Trade automation for Bittrex. Several supported pairs, post or message me for adding more pairs to the bots. There is a menu of pairs to choose from, happy trading mr robot. So is this playing one pair against another arbitrage?? Or just being able to buy different currencies. It will check the order book of sellers, it will take the first one in the list: So if your max is 10 and the order has an 8 there, it will buy 8 then wait until the timer is over then check the order book again if the first order is 11 it will buy for 10 and then wait for the timer.

Additional update to tropix is now permitting you to choose between margin trading or non margin trading,. If you have some questions relevant to tropix that would be ontopic. Update on Tropix, added a Bittrex Auto Buy and Sell; these are useful if you want to try and buy without going all at once, or to sell without going all at once which helps to not pump abruptly or dump abruptly.

Appreciate ir pal, Thanks. Make Tropix Robot Tutorial. I will try my best to get to it this week! I was just about to say that I agree with Marko!

Cool, let us know when you do it. Screenshot from Post if any questions or requests. Now we gotta get SEC on there!!! It is not doing arbitrage. The sell bot does the same just in reverse. Additional update to tropix is now permitting you to choose between margin trading or non margin trading, This means you can now use the automated trading on poloniex for margin trading as well.

Dally, you should make a videos how to use these robots. New trading tool update: