How to Automatically Retweet Another Twitter Account Using Sendible

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All Twitter cares about is spam. But when not performed for spam, a ReTweet can be a powerful thing. It can be used to promote certain events or news across a wider audience. Other automated ReTweet possibilities could include anyone mentioning your domain or brand name.

How unfortunate would that be! Their Tweet gained my interest, I checked it out and it inspired me to Follow them for more! Maybe you only want the bot to share only certain hashtagged Tweets from those Following you on Twitter, so you can Follow the account as a consumer or a bot like status via retweeted tweet. People will either Follow you because they want the latest news regarding the hashtagged subject, or bot like status via retweeted tweet they want you to ReTweet their news.

So as bot like status via retweeted tweet can see, depending on how you are ReTweeting, and for what purpose, a ReTweet bot can be a great central hub of information and a network for open communication and discovery.

Unfortunately, having shared with you now just a tiny portion of the possibilities of a ReTweet bot, there are still going to be some who are only looking to build a bot with the intention of spamming people. This tutorial then might seem a little like handing a child a loaded gun. Twitter will bot like status via retweeted tweet you.

And nobody likes a spammer. For the sake of saving a lot of people from getting mildly irritated by your Twitter bot testing, I do suggest you using your own Twitter accounts to test and play with. You can find the status ID of a Tweet by clicking on the Tweet so it brings it up as its own page.

It should look something like this:. That long number is the ID. Your keys, tokens and secrets should still be kept as your actual keys, tokens and secrets throughout all tutorials obviously, as we covered in the tutorial last week.

In fact, you can see this for yourself when you do search for something on Twitter. And all that count is for is just to specify how many results we would like to return. The count is an optional parameter, but a very useful one. Otherwise you might be biting off more than you can chew…. Notice how instead of:. It would be quicker to just use Twitter itself if we were to do that.

So we want the number to be enclosed in quotation marks, indicating that it bot like status via retweeted tweet a string. You may find that this is due to you having hit a limit of some kind. Sometimes there are words that you will want to prevent from automatically ReTweeting, such as curse words, irrelevant words or words that express a certain sentiment.

Or we have a multiple choice of words that we want Twitter to search for, such as a variation of spellings for a keyword and such. It joins each item in that list. So our Twitter ReTweet bot right now should look a little like this:. Random Tweets with Twython. It should look something like this: Import TwythonError now too! The following two tabs change content below.

Ria Search Engine Marketing at Silkstream. Latest posts by Ria see all. How To Get Going with Twython.

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The automation of Twitter accounts is governed by a set of automation rules that outline proper and improper uses of automation. It is sometimes desirable to identify when a Twitter account is controlled by a bot. In a paper, [1] Chu et al. Research shows that humans can view Twitterbots as a credible source of information.

There are many different types of Twitterbots and their purposes vary from one to another. Some bots may tweet helpful material such as EarthquakesSF description below. The tweets are sent in the voice of the lead character from the Beetlejuice film. CrowdfundedKill [11] Is a Twitter account for a fake dark-website known as Crowdfunded Kill which facilitates crowdfunded kills of members of the public.

The account began in , and was eventually suspended in , most likely a victim of its own success. DearAssistant sends auto-reply tweets responding to complex queries in simple English by utilizing Wolfram Alpha. DeepDrumpf is a recurrent neural network , created at MIT , that releases tweets imitating Donald Trump 's speech patterns. DroptheIBot tweets the message, "People aren't illegal.

Try saying 'undocumented immigrant' or 'unauthorized immigrant' instead" to Twitter users who have sent a tweet containing the phrase "illegal immigrant".

It was created by American Fusion. It started in and tweeted every thirty minutes until Horse ebooks is a bot that has gained a following among people who found its tweets poetic. KookyScrit sends auto-reply tweets correcting misspellings of the word "weird". Maskchievous [23] Tweets a random meme with a random emoticon. MetaphorMagnet is an AI bot that generates metaphorical insights using its knowledge-base of stereotypical properties and norms.

A companion bot MetaphorMirror pairs these metaphors to news tweets. Another companion bot BestOfBotWorlds uses metaphor to generate faux-religious insights. Pentametron finds tweets incidentally written in iambic pentameter using the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary , pairs them into couplets using a rhyming dictionary , and retweets them as couplets into followers' feeds. RedScareBot tweets in the persona of Joseph McCarthy in response to Twitter posts mentioning "socialist", "communist", or "communism".

Tauntbot replies to anyone who mentions it with a randomly generated, verbose insult. It also periodically tweets random taunts at nobody in particular. It will also send a self care suggestion if you tweet directly at it. Wikifinds "tweets dozens of things that could have their own Wikipedia article if our consciousness could catalogue them", according to Paste Magazine. Detecting non-human Twitter users has been of interests to academics.

A subset of Twitter bots programmed to complete social tasks played an important role in the United States Presidential Election. Deceiving Twitter bots fooled candidates and campaign staffers into retweeting misappropriated quotes and accounts affiliated with incendiary ideals.

Many non-malicious bots are popular for their entertainment value. However, as technology and the creativity of bot-makers improves, so does the potential for Twitterbots that fill social needs. The majority of Twitter accounts following public figures and brands are often fake or inactive, making the number of Twitter followers a celebrity a difficult metric for gauging popularity.

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This article may contain indiscriminate , excessive , or irrelevant examples. Please improve the article by adding more descriptive text and removing less pertinent examples. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for further suggestions.

Russian interference in the United States elections. Are You a Human, Bot, or Cyborg? Retrieved 1 August Retrieved August 1, A Twitter bot that uses Wolfram Alpha to answer your burning questions". The Next Web, Inc. Retrieved May 31, Testing the differences in perceptions of communication quality for a human agent and a bot agent on Twitter". Retrieved 19 March Retrieved December 28, Retrieved 4 March Retrieved 3 August Retrieved 9 March Retrieved 16 March Retrieved 4 May Archived from the original on 27 February Archived from the original on 30 March Archived from the original on March 21, International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communication: Who's faking it on Twitter?

Retrieved from " https: Twitter services and applications Bots. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 1 May , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.