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Bitfenix of now, Nope, you'd be fine if you kept good records and paid taxes. Also its recorded, so bitstamp. BitcoinMarkets subscribe unsubscribereaders 1, users here now Slack Bitstamp Chat I already have an account Login Rules Be excellent bitcoin each other You are expected to treat everyone with a certain level of respect Bitfenix should relate to bitcoin trading Altcoin discussion should be directed to our Slack Group or the appropriate subreddit No bitcoin or low effort content Posts that are solely comprised of memes, irrelevant youtube videos or similar will be removed No accusations of rule violations Calling out other users for breaking our rules is not allowed.
That USD is kept in your Bitfinex account. Submit link NOT about price. However as we continue to grow we decided to slowly and I insist on "slowly": If you wanna realize your gains right away you can trade your BTC on bitfinex for USD today, then withdraw it once you're verified.
I already have an account Login. As I'm sure many can attest they aren't enforcing that right now. Sadly I have read another review with a similar isolated glitch type complaint before I started trading. The leverage is limited at 3. Also its recorded, so taxable. It has more than 1, customers and supplies services to more than 30, bitcoin in the US. There are individual traders arbitraging, but apparently they cannot keep up. Organize your workspace bitfenix to bitstamp needs: They have reserves of both on multiple exchanges, ready and waiting for an opportunity.
On a side note, it seems that this is a great opportunity for would-be arbitrageurs. It lets you lend or borrow funds as needed, in a fairly simple interface. Can you help get my withdraw processed? Bitfinex used to be able to route orders via Bitstamp.
It no longer does. See this answer by Bitfinex support: If the existing ones can't keep up that's a pretty good sign that there's money to be made by joining in the fun. My understanding is that serious arbitrageurs don't wait around for fiat or bitcoin to move.
As an example, they might buy 10 coins at on Bitstamp and then immediately sell 10 coins at on Bitfinex. They're not actually moving their newly bought coins, but the net effect is the same but without waiting for a transfer.
Yeah I was doing arb last year and thats exactly what I did, had USD and BTC in both exchanges so there were generally small fractions of a second delay in evaluating to executing the arb. I lost more by having USD on exchanges than I gained by the arb, though. And a price difference of 10 USD is only 1. You wouldn't make a huge amount each time, a few percent, but do to this simultaneous buying and selling, you'll have no exposure to market fluctuations. Also interest on Bitfinex is between 0.
And yes this has been asked many times, use your head and do some simple calculations you'll see that its not really worth the hassle and risk. Wouldn't the amount be proportional to how many coins the person can afford to arbitrage? First of all, at the moment it would be more profitable to just buy BTC and then sell on Bitfinex and lend money.
Better to just trade, or lend on Bitfinex. Maybe the exchange operators are doing it, but the profits atm are probably not worth the hassle.
Edit for your last point: How often can they repeat. So a lead time of 1 week. So probably a few hours of work. I guess it could work but only assuming your bank doesn't care. Anyway I''ve thought about trying it when I get back to Canada, we have two exchanges VOS and Cavirtex, I've seen arbitrage opportunties where one could make a couple hundred, especially since VOS now has no fees and Cavirtex halved its fees to 0.
But really not worth the hassle and my bank accounts would definitely get frozen, flagged then closed. All valid points, and I think you're probably right about it not being worth the hassle even if there is some profit to be made. My only problem with your example is that you seem to be assuming a would-be arbitrageur would only do one "trade". Better opportunities out there for most people with that kind of scratch. It makes sense in some positions for certain opportunities, but as a regular strategy it requires large sums of money and it is still slow and profits are often meager in light of opportunity cost of other options.
Nope, you'd be fine if you kept good records and paid taxes. Arbitraging between different exchanges is not illegal or frowned upon in the least, and it's very easy for bankers to understand what you're doing. Not true for Canadian banks.
They would flag your account, then ask you to close it within weeks. Coinbase is currently at There's gotta be money to be made there. Coinbase has multiple liquidity sources, if they deviate from the aggregate market average then it's probably because they haven't caught up yet.
Or from a cursory glance it seems they follow the Bitstamp buy price and the BTC-e sell price. It seems they could make more money by basing their prices off of something like BitcoinAverage while it is advantageous to them at least. On a side note, hard to imagine a tightly regulated company like Coinbase dealing directly with BTC-e. I'm noticing this today as well, and stumbled upon this topic. I have my 1k instant buy ready to go, but I haven't gone through the verification process to withdraw to USD from Bitfinex.
If I instant buy 1k right now, move the BTC over to Bitfinex, is there another means to take advantage of the price difference without cashing out to USD? If you don't wanna cash out then you've already taken advantage of the price difference. Pardon the newbie talk, but you're saying I can cash-out to USD without initiating an actual withdrawl?
This is too easy To be more clear, you can "lock-in" the USD price without being verified, and withdrawling? Yes, the way Bitfinex works is that you don't have to be verified to have USD in your account. That means that you can transfer bitcoin into your account and sell it for USD or any other currency Bitfinex offers. If you want to withdraw it you have to get verified. Otherwise it just sits there waiting.
Another tangentially related question: Do you think the exchanges themselves run arbitrage bots? I think people are avoiding this discussion on purpose because they fear they won't like the answers they find.
The "willy report" proved many peoples hypothesis, showed that schemes and things of the sort are very possible and probable to be happening right now. I wouldn't place exchange-run arbitrage bots in the same category as Willy Willy was much much worse , but I think you're right to say that people are deliberately avoiding asking these questions. What I meant by it, is that I think there's a tonne going on behind the scenes like that which we don't see.
And I think this insider trading you speak of is probably the least of it. Actually, for quality conspiracy: Is bitfinex ever tempted to provide liquidity themselves via their peer-to-peer system?
If so, what stops them from lending user funds? Anyone that is thinking about signing up, your better off sending your money to me. I want a new Harley Davidson. At least I wont lie to you about where your money is going. Bitfinex had some downtime recently, but is back up and functioning now. Are you still having issues? Everything I see is working fine.
Have you contacted their customer service? I believe there are two main reasons for this here listed below: The first is when I would normally execute a trade on my exchange account or margin account during fast trending up or down movement the site always glitched somehow before I could react buy or sell even if I was already in the right wallet. Secondly as far as I can tell to switch from a buy to short or vice versa you need to cancel your trade then transfer funds in an awkward way between your exchange non-margin and margin account and then open a new trade.
Otherwise you have to somehow maintain a calculated weighted balance in each account to try to maximize your returns. Unlike myself I have met someone who has made good money on Bitfinex buying a larger amount of Bitcoin and holding it for a while before selling it.
That was not the case for me. As a side note the first couple of withdraws via Bitcoin transfer took a few hours each but taking my last bit of Bitcoin out was more than an overnight ordeal.
Please be advised that Bitfinex is terminating its relationship with US Individual customers non-corporate accounts with a primary residence in the United States. US Individual customers must cease trading and funding activity, close any open trading positions, return any reserved funding you may have, and withdrawal all of your balances from the platform as expeditiously as possible.
Is there any advice someone who offer as far as classes online or where to meet people who I can learn from. I am hoping it will have a better chance of shooting up high like bitcoin.
Any advice I can get is greatly appreciated. Your email address will not be published. Check here to Subscribe to notifications for new posts. Bitfinex has been through some difficult issues, and so far seem to have come out on top. I personally use them, and am confident in their platform, honesty, and trustworthiness.