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Images related to this file: This Package includes fourteen Austrian arrows Paints. All liveries were made with love to detail. Freeware, limited distribution Added: Aircrafts which are wetleased to other Airlines are not included.
Have a good flight! Installation instructions are included in the readme. This file contains are correct aircraft cfg entry. Additional weathering added to some areas to reflect the age of C6-BFN. Repainted following a request on the Majestic forums. Bahamasair still operate 5 series aircraft as well as three B's. Requires the payware Majestic Q This is a fictional livery.
Airline specific virtual cockpit textures are included. Repaints for Bombardier Q NextGen. This is a fictional repaint for the Majestic Software, Dash 8 Q The livery is the good old Braathens livery. Read more about Braathens here: Requires payware Majestic Software Dash-8 Q British Airways never owned Dash-8 Q British Airways have used the Bombardier Dash Q.
Thanks for downloading and enjoy. Login Register About logging in and out. Found files 21 pages Jump to page: Austrian arrows Bombardier Dash 8-Q Fleet. Austrian Bombardier Dash 8-Q Fleet. Bahamasair Bombardier Dash 8 Q Bombardier "House Colors" Dash 8 Q British Airways Bombardier Dash 8-Q