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The testnet is extremely useful for assisting in the development of Bitcoin software. You can grab some test coins from this faucet and avoid spending the time and money trading for actual Bitcoins to get started building and testing software. Getting a test environment up and running smoothly in Windows might not be immediately obvious so we will discuss the particularities of Windows 7 and fix a minor annoyance here.
Grab the latest Bitcoin Core wallet from bitcoin. Install it but do not run just yet, we have some setup to do first. Right click and select "Create Shortcut". Windows should offer to make a desktop shortcut, feel free to put it there or into your own start menu items. Rename your shortcut to "Bitcoin Testnet". Right click the shortcut and select "Properties".
In the "Target" field, add "-testnet" after the end of the command path separated from the path by a space:. Now we're ready, launch it! You should see a green Bitcoin logo and [testnet] on the splash window:. Loading the blockchain will take a long time.
While you're waiting here's a few things to keep you busy:. It's really handy to run two wallets while developing Bitcoin software. Your software probably has to deal with both sending and receiving. If what you are sending and receivng to is local, you can just keep recycling the same coins over and over for testing.
The transaction fee on testnet is very small on the order of a few hundred Satoshis so a small amount of testnet coin can last through a lot of tests. Before we start here, the blockchain for your first Bitcoin Core testnet is up to date right? You really don't want to follow the next few instructions until you have the fully updated blockchain, else you'll be downloading 2 copies of it at once, slowing it down even more than it already is. Good, so now that we have the entire chain, let's dupe it.
We are going to copy this directory entirely. I named this directory "BitcoinTestnet". Note that if you are doing this on top of an existing Bitcoin installation and don't want to duplicate the entire main chain also, all we need here is the content of the "testnet3" directory and a copy of "bitcoin. There will be a wallet. We don't want it, this instance will need it's own wallet. Just trash this file and a new one will get generated for you when we launch. Solving item 1 is very simple. We can just add a -datadir when we launch.
Duplicate the desktop shortcut we made in the first part of this article. I cleverly named this shortcut "Bitcoin Testnet2" Right click and edit the properties:. Of course, we can't use bitcoin. There are however things we can change in bitcoin. There are 2 different ports we need to concern ourselves with. The RPC port and the peer to peer network port. Otherwise, use the "rpcport" option.
The "port" option changes the main peer to peer network port. Now you should be able to launch the second desktop shortcut without issues. Congratulations, you are now running 2 Bitcoin testnet clients. Send yourself some coins and watch it notify you twice in celebration. The software I'm working on currently waits for something to happen from Bitcoin and then springs into action.
It utilizes the blocknotify, walletnotify, and alertnotify features of Bitcoin core to tell my software that something happened. Specifically, it opens up Python and runs a script. In theory, the "pythonw. However, the way Bitcoin launches these programs, a terminal window pops up. Because of blocknotify this means it pops up a window every 10 minutes. It steals the focus of whatever application is currently in front. Very irritating when typing code. Forget about playing video games while that is running!
If Bitcoin is shut down a while and started up again later, this popup will open for each block and wallet notification that happened in the meantime, resulting in a deluge of console windows while the chain catches up. Here is a pull request currently open on Github to fix this issue, patch attached.
After you've finished building your revised Bitcoin QT , replace the paths in your desktop shortcuts to point to your custom built Bitcoin QT exe. Well, by now hopefully you are fully equipped to develop Bitcoin based apps on Windows. Go forth and code! Working with Bitcoin Testnet on Windows 7. In the "Target" field, add "-testnet" after the end of the command path separated from the path by a space: You should see a green Bitcoin logo and [testnet] on the splash window: While you're waiting here's a few things to keep you busy: While loading the chain Bitcoin Core can still generate addresses.
Send yourself some coin from the faucet. By the time the chain has loaded you'll have some coin waiting. If you plan on following the pop up window fix later in this post, or if you want to build Bitcoin yourself for experimentation or contribution to the Open Source community, follow the instructions here for building Bitcoin with QT5 using MinGW. This one will take a while probably. See you when you get back. This can contain everything from the configuration options listing.
You will want at minimum: Running a Second Instance It's really handy to run two wallets while developing Bitcoin software. Now there is two things we need to consider here about our second instance. We need to somehow tell Bitcoin about this new BitcoinTestnet data directory that we made. Any network ports that Bitcoin opens up must not conflict with the first instance listening on those ports. I cleverly named this shortcut "Bitcoin Testnet2" Right click and edit the properties: My "Target" now looks like this: Attack of The Annoying Popup The software I'm working on currently waits for something to happen from Bitcoin and then springs into action.
Conclusion Well, by now hopefully you are fully equipped to develop Bitcoin based apps on Windows.