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The clean synthesis of furfural oxime FO has been realized through titanosilicate-catalyzed liquid-phase ammoximation of furfural with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. A detailed investigation of furfural ammoximation over three representative titanosilicates Ti-MOR, TS-1 and Ti-MWW reveals that the reaction involves the hydroxylamine route and the imine route.

The hydroxylamine route accounts for the formation of the target product FOwhile the imine route leads to the formation of undesired products such as 2-furylamide and liquid markets ecnu acid. The catalytic performance liquid markets ecnu Ti-MOR depends greatly on the liquid markets ecnu conditions of the reaction, which is closely related to its activity in catalyzing hydroxylamine decomposition.

The decomposition of hydroxylamine and the non-catalytic oxidation of furfural can liquid markets ecnu effectively suppressed in Ti-MOR-catalyzed ammoximation when employing water as the solvent and adding H 2 O 2 dropwise into the reaction system.

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This may take some time to load. Jump to main content. Jump to site search. Previous Article Next Article. Clean synthesis of furfural oxime through liquid-phase ammoximation of furfural over titanosilicate catalysts. Back to tab navigation Download options Please wait Supplementary information PDF K. Clean synthesis of furfural oxime through liquid-phase ammoximation of furfural over titanosilicate catalysts X. Reproduced material should be attributed as follows: For reproduction of material from NJC: For reproduction of material from PCCP: For reproduction of material from PPS: For reproduction of material from all other RSC journals and books: Search articles by author Xinqing Lu.

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