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What a community response. I had expected some interest in that merely because that was, to my knowledge, the new speed record for a single-node! And tons and bitcoin xeon mining of interesting comments on questions, on both the blog and reddit. This latter question is what this post will be about. In terms of mining software, lukMiner will run bitcoin xeon mining them, and will run rather profitably. Once you get both hardware and MPSS stack up, you copy luk-xmr-phi to the card, and run it; so that part is easy.

Now to the tricky question: How to actually build a rig with these cards. The build I used in my original post is a professional, off-the-shelf server from Exxact Corp. I used theirs because I know they had listed this product with Phis in the summer, so had pretty high confidence that would still work. For those interested in more details: The careful reader will have seen that I mentioned bitcoin xeon mining PCI slots, yet my build uses only eight cards.

Yes, I did fit 10 cards in there, but ran into some issues. And finally, when I did get it to boot bitcoin xeon mining machine became unstable with 10 cards — maybe bec. Here a pic with 10 cards, but again, right now I only run eight. Finally found one of my machines that took that card, and for everybody that wants to replicate, here the specs:.

At first, I added this semi-professional Lasko fan:. Eventually, however, that setup looked a bit shaky even by my standards, so went ahead and scouted for some bitcoin xeon mining fans to bitcoin xeon mining this.

Eventually, however, I found some higher-powered fans on ebay see, for example, here for a listing. Oh, and of course: That stuff connected to a 15V molex. With that, the machine is now up and running for three weeks, no bitcoin xeon mining whatsoever well, had to fix a few issues with hung nicehash connections in the miner, but the hardware works all right.

Anyway — for those that have some of those cards I hope this info will at least open a path to getting them up and running. To learn more about me, bitcoin xeon mining at the "About" page on http: Is it possible to get a xeon phi x coprocessor and vegas running in the same machine? On which part are you getting stuck? Tried all kind of drivers, from amdgpu Looks like the s are not coprocessors, but the main CPUs.

Will send a post once Bitcoin xeon mining know more…. The first version of the miner was for regular CPUs, but I always wanted to figure out how good the Phi would be for mining, and eventually just sat down when I had a lot of spare time in my sabbatical and did it. I bought this one:. I agree, they can be used in a 1U rack, I have several mounted in the Dell C You need something more modern with a C or C chipset and bios support for large addresses. As a acknowledgely extreme example: I even recently put two cards into an old pre-sandybridge Xeon system, and it works just fine….

More like a hit and miss situation. That particular machine has risers with which the cards are then flat on their side, which works just fine in a 1U system. Had the same on some x based system, too. Oh; yeah, fully agree. Bitcoin xeon mining do not know for sure. Yes, from the numbers on ark. I can start lukminer and start mining, however, I see a few warnings. I appreciate if you can help me on those and as well as one or two other things: Is it a generic warning, or intended to be displayed for regular phi systems, or is it also applicable for phi coprocessors as well?

Does it make a difference? Or should I just use ? Do you have a more recent example config that I can use as a reference? Well I think I asked a bit much but whenever, or if ever, you have time to answer, I appreciate it. For centos it does, which is bitcoin xeon mining i changed the output to that.

Thanks for your quick response. As per hash rate, from time to time I see H but it usually is around Hish. Your share rate goes above 4. Yep, indeed I was lucky.

Bitcoin xeon mining fact, probably, I bought 2 of them from that eBay seller bitcoin xeon mining before you, as I was the second one to buy it the guy prior to me bought 2 of them as well, which pushed me act rather quickly. It was only yesterday that I was able to cool them properly with the same blower fans you suggested. Then I found the same eBay seller and ordered the same blower fan on that listing.

I think motherboards can supply max 1A current. Anyways, I think I wrote more than you are interested, but thanks again for bitcoin xeon mining prompt response. Lukas, the reason you could only get 8 cards working in that rack is because mpss 4. See the Readme file, section 2. Is there any version that can be loaded into a A and run natively without requiring a Linux host?

I can also see if I can make a lukstick for machines with x phis. If you want an easy way to play with it, have a look at the latest mpss-based luksticks on bitcoin xeon mining I have this device https: I maked i flash with LukStick Ubuntu was loaded, miner started and i seen in log this: And nicehash showed the same: Can you help me with this trouble?

Maked a flash with lukStick-mpss-knl CentOS was started and i seen in log this: This is repeated again and again, no minig.

Bitcoin xeon mining got a SCP in the bitcoin xeon mining, replace the Nvidia or wait for the 1U case that will hold this beast. PS I am still waiting on the active cooler but it seems I got a instead of a x cooler, can you say MM cardboard shroud? What I did was simply take off the plastic shroud part and put the blower directly to bitcoin xeon mining end of the card. Not perfect, but worked well enough. Or, as you suggest, use a server with sufficient airflow; I used some old surplus pre-haswell supermicro systems that are pretty cheap right now, and seem to work just fine.

You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You bitcoin xeon mining commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email.

Skip bitcoin xeon mining content Home About Contact. Luk, thanks for the great write-up. Also, you can find the MPSS 4. Can you share the centos 7. Look at the comment from crypt0nite on Jan 8: Luk, have you been able to get the 4x setup mining successfully?

How did you come up with using Xeon Phi as a miner? Sick setup and hash! Thanks for the reply! And man, you just opened a new door for most miners with your data! Definitely going to check the lukeminer! I bought this one: Is the Xeon Phi competitive bitcoin xeon mining the ?

The architecture looks identical. Hi, Thanks for your quick response. Thanks, Ferhat Like Like. Oh, one last question. Send you an email. XDragon PS I am still waiting on the active cooler bitcoin xeon mining it seems I got a instead of a x cooler, can you say MM cardboard shroud?

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