Bitcoin server download
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You can't withdraw money with the foreign account. You have to wait until the price of BTC reaches back to the original and then get your money out. Depends on the exchange and what they support. I will try and make a video demonstrating this. I use Kraken but I understand COinsbank is now supporting multi-currency pairs as well.
No, think of this like a research tool helping you identify potential opportunities. I might add exchange prices in the future but for now you will need to calculate the exchange prices on top of any opportunities it discovers. If you are interested email me your contact info: Juan, I am currently revamping the bitcoin module. So it is currently not available. I am thinking I should be done in the next days. This research tool is offered for sale at: This tool does something unique that no other tool does.
It does not just look at an exchange and say this coin is selling for more or less at this other exchange. So it not only does exchanges but also digs deep into those exchanges and does FIAT currency comparisons against those exchanges matched against USD. Keep in mind it is calculating results based on 1 bitcoin. How much does it cost? After purchase, I personally setup each account manually due to how I have to configure the software.
So please expect at small delay from signup to account access usually under 1 day. This software only does bitcoin. I am working on an updated version for alt-coins and should have that completed in the next 90 days. I do not offer training on this specific application and the price reflects that CHEAP , do a little research online and you should be able to figure out how to use it.
I sell it way to cheap to also train you on it. If you would like personal coaching, contact me directly and we can work out a price. If you are interested in learning how to street trade bitcoin for a profit contact me at: I have a 7 week class that teaches you everything you need to know.
This comes at a cost but has HUGE upsides. Learn more about this at: