Bitcoins: The Latest Innovation for Hiding Assets in Divorce

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Trying to hide assets during a divorce is as old as divorce itself, and technology has started to bring concealing wealth into the modern era. Bitcoins are now the latest bitcoin hide assets method for potentially stashing away money so that it cannot be found when it comes to dividing the marital estate. Due to the touted anonymity of Bitcoins, it seems practical and logical that someone could try to illegally withhold wealth bitcoin hide assets filtering money into this secretive digital currency.

But you need to be aware this option exists, particularly if you believe your spouse may attempt to be dishonest in their disclosure of assets. Bitcoin is a bitcoin hide assets digital currency developed back inwhich has seen a rise to almost bitcoin hide assets popularity over the past year or so. The Bitcoin exchange is completely decentralized, meaning there are no attachments to banks or governments. There is also no physical bitcoin hide assets Bitcoins are stored in virtual wallets on your computer, smartphone or virtual cloud — and all transactions take place over the Internet.

It is also much easier to transfer Bitcoins out of the country, making them even harder to track down. This anonymity, the lack of paper trail that would typically be found through conventional transactions and the current lack of regulation are why divorce attorneys have concerns that Bitcoins could be a new avenue for a divorcing spouse to hide money from the court. At the beginning of the divorce process, both spouses are required to submit a financial affidavit that should encompass all of their assets, incomes and liabilities.

However, if you believe your spouse is not being percent truthful in their declaration, your attorney will start the process of verifying whether there are financial aspects that have not been fully disclosed. This process involves sending out interrogatories, subpoenas, depositions, combing through tax returns and bank statements, looking for hidden accounts or lines of credit, etc. While most family law attorneys are fairly skilled in these customary forms of discovery — and more often than not uncover bitcoin hide assets assets hidden in bitcoin hide assets typical manner — Bitcoins provide a new challenge.

However, the anonymous nature of Bitcoin and the slow rate at which laws and regulations catch up with modern technology leaves plenty of room for loopholes. Knowing the possibility exists for money to be hidden in Bitcoins may help you keep a sharper eye out for clues that can lead to discovery.

Bitcoin hide assets, liquid money would need to be converted into Bitcoins at some point, which would leave behind an initial fingerprint. It is always recommended for both parties to be open and honest with their financial disclosures because it makes for a far cheaper and less contentious divorce, and it speeds the process along. Additionally, if a spouse is caught not fully disclosing assets, they will likely receive a bitcoin hide assets less balanced portion of the marital pot, additional bitcoin hide assets and may even face perjury or other charges in criminal court.

Overall, it generally is not worth the risk to chance it; yet, people try to hide assets from the courts when going through divorce every day.

Traditional methods for discovering hidden assets At the beginning of the divorce process, both spouses are required to submit a financial affidavit that should encompass all of their assets, incomes and liabilities. Your children do not want you to be unhappy. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

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Divorce can be complicated enough without this online method of hiding assets. If one spouse uses bitcoins before assets are divided in divorce proceedings, the courts may find it difficult to track the money. However, a qualified Broward divorce attorney has ways to help track down those hidden funds. It is accepted as a payment method by many legitimate websites, including Amazon and Expedia.

However, bitcoins can be difficult to define partly because their value frequently fluctuates and partly because they can be used almost anonymously.

Bitcoins are known as cryptocurrency because users can transfer money peer-to-peer, without having to use a bank or government authority. With this relatively new technology, forensic detectives must search computer hard drives to link a bitcoin wallet to a specific user. In a messy divorce, spouses may be tempted to hide money that would otherwise be equally distributed. Bitcoin accounts may be red flags for divorce attorneys , and you need to be aware of the risks.

If a large amount of money is transferred into a bitcoin account, forensic detectives may be assigned to your case. Peer-to-peer sales will be areas of concern for the detectives. The spouse who initiated the bitcoin transfers must be able to produce evidence for the legitimate transfer of that money.

Otherwise, the asset distribution in the divorce may be reduced for the offending spouse. If you suspect that your spouse is hiding money with bitcoins, the first thing you need to do is hire a divorce attorney. This investigative process is difficult, and an experienced divorce attorney knows what questions to ask and where to look for the answers.

An experienced attorney will use the discovery process to uncover assets your spouse may have hidden from you. They can file production requests, depositions, interrogatories, requests for admission, and subpoenas. This process, enforced by the courts, demands cooperation from your spouse who may otherwise be unwilling to produce financial records. They will work to ease your mind, protect your assets, and produce the records you need for equitable distribution.

See all the posts by dana at this link. What to Do If There Is Suspicious Bitcoin Activity If a large amount of money is transferred into a bitcoin account, forensic detectives may be assigned to your case. Be the First to Comment! Please insert the code above to comment. None Notify of new replies to this comment Notify of new replies to all my comments Notify of all new follow-up comments.