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In contrast to initial public offerings where investors gain shares in the ownership of a company, an ICO is a controversial means of crowdfunding centered around cryptocurrencies. For some startup companies, ICOs are a way to raise early capital more quickly than they could through venture funding.
They can raise millions by creating digital tokens and selling them through the ICO process. Cryptocurrency news website Bitcoin. In other words, 46 percent of last year's ICOs failed after raising over million U. Moreover, an additional projects can be classified as "semi-failed" because they either abandoned their social media pages or have few adopters to achieve any success, Bitcoin.
Had these semi-failed ICOs been included, the failure rate of last year's cryptocurrency crowdfunding jumps to 59 percent. A bitcoin fever has fueled a massive market rally last year despite strong skepticism from economists and bankers. Bitcoin prices soared from around 1, dollars at the beginning of to more than 19, dollars in mid-December, according to CoinDesk's bitcoin price index.
In the following days, however, its prices plunged dramatically, making bitcoin lose a third of its value all of a sudden. Trading of bitcoin continues to be wild this year, with its prices swinging between 6, dollars and 17, dollars. In the past week, the digital currency has been struggling to remain at a level of 10, dollars.
With ICO mania showing no signs of abating, Bitcoin. The website warned that cryptocurrency investment in is riskier than ever thanks to diminished returns, increased competition and a never-ending stream of opportunistic ICOs. Beijing presentation at closing ceremony for PyeongChang Olympics.
Xi's special envoy meets with Chinese Olympic sporting delegation. Chinese New Year Parade held in Paris. Dragon and lion dance competition held in S China's Guangxi. Miao people participate in "Tiaoyue" in SW China. Nearly half of cryptocurrency investment fails last year, wasting over million dollars Source: Blast in Leicester not terror-related: