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Postal codes in Singapore have consisted of six digits since , replacing the four-digit system introduced in They are administered by Singapore Post. The 6-digit postal code is made up of the sector code and the delivery point. The sector is represented by the first two numbers of the postal code. The remaining four numbers define the delivery point within the sector. HDB residential blocks with the same number in the same postal sector are differentiated by their postal codes as follows:.
The postal codes for private residential, commercial and industrial houses and buildings are assigned based on the alphabetical sequence of the street names in each sector. This means that the codes for a particular postal sector have been assigned first to houses and buildings located along street names beginning with 'A, followed by 'B' and so on.
The postal codes for such properties do not contain the corresponding house or building numbers included in the postal code. HDB industrial and commercial blocks also use this system. This table lists the postal districts: Singapore was originally divided into 28 postal districts in , with a number being allocated to each district.
For example, the Orchard Road area was in District 9. This was superseded by a new four-digit system in July , with the last two digits representing a sector in each district.
There were in total 81 sectors. On 1 September , this was replaced by a six-digit system, in which every building was given its unique postcode, the first two digits of which represented the old sector, i. Although the old districts are no longer used by Singapore Post, they are still widely used to refer to locations of properties for sale or rent. SingPost recommends the following format for addresses: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Archived from the original on June 17, Retrieved 6 October Archived from the original PDF on 29 December Retrieved from " https: Postal codes by country Postal system of Singapore.
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