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I am using the latest version of MaiDump, and I have done all the procedures correctly and several times. Are you supposed to not be able to input text in game input seed, changing name of a world, giving a sign post a text, etc. Cause mine just kind of freezing, like it was supposed to show some on screen keyboard but it didn't, and I can't cancel text input either or it's just the side effect of pirating games? There will be no more updates for 3. You can use this utility to easily see if patches can be dumped or not: If I try to make a world with a different texture pack, I get error c It works fine if I use the default texture though.
I've deleted and reinstalled several times. I am getting same error when loading texture packs as Anonymous. Downloaded US version and followed all the steps exactly. Only the default is working. Really disappointing since I like using the city texture pack: Need I little help plssssss After you download it what to do next? Do you like extract it?
Where do you put the file?? Skip to content Advertise here. Dlc Files inside a game folder Just follow the steps to install the game and enjoy. This comment has been removed by the author. Hi, I'm new to scene. Please upload minecraft 1. Bro is it okay if I share your link or made a video about it on YouTube?
Why the update 1. Im only get error C Pd: The EUR vision has 1. So sad no 1. Can u then Dump at the latest Version 1. Online not work Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply.