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Join Stack Overflow to learn, share bitcoin favicon converter, and build your career. This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help centerplease edit the question.

Searching about favicons, I discovered I needed more than 10 kinds of files to work in all browsers and devices: I got pissed and created my own favicon generator, that creates all these files and the correct HTML header for each one of them: If bitcoin favicon converter already have a logo image that you want to transform into a bitcoin favicon converter, then you can convert it using http: It creates crisp favicons, and I bitcoin favicon converter had to edit them after creating them.

It will generate favicons at 16x16 and 32x32 and to quote them: Also, their site looks cool and is easy to use. For example here is a stackoverflow logo: GIMP is a good program for that.

Just save the image as PNG, then add. You create a icon file that's 16x16 or 32x32 or 64x There are websites that will convert other graphic formats to. One of the best online favicon tools is FaviconGenerator. Fast, modern design, no fluff. If you want to create. Modern browsers can use normal image files, but originally I think it was just.

It's an open source image editor similar to Photoshop. Create and edit an image of the right size say 32 x 32flatten to one layer Unless you want multiple icons in the same fileand save as a. I use the bitcoin favicon converter source Paint. You can then bitcoin favicon converter and save an image in the. I make my favicons either bitcoin favicon converter x 16 or 32 x 32 using Photoshop. I save it as gif then and I use IrfanView to convert the gif to an ico.

As usual, you can create all these assets manually. Unless you have very, very specific needs and a budget, this is definitely not the way to go. The right way for most people is to use a favicon generator that lets you decide of the look of all the icons and takes care of all the details.

The only one which does this is Real Favicon Generator. I am the author of this site. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Email Sign Up or sign in with Bitcoin favicon converter. Creating a favicon [closed] Ask Question.

How can I create a favicon for my website? Possible duplicate of How to add a browser tab icon favicon for bitcoin favicon converter website?

Gothdo This is not a duplicate! The one you point to IS! This one preceded bitcoin favicon converter one by a year and a half! I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is not about programming but bitcoin favicon converter design. Eduardo Russo 2, 15 This is one of the best favicon generator sites I've seen. EduardoRusso this is simply awesome - thanks! Works better than expected! Still love it, though. Here are some of the generated favicons: They also generate the needed html: Jared Menard 1, 10 How can I improve this answer to avoid further downvotes?

Your answer made this a five minute job bitcoin favicon converter me. SO needs to have policy against it. I personally don't know what the best practice is here. On my site I think we just use one. These could be helpful for chrome progressive web apps when combined with a manifest. I found this resource on favicomatic. Gimp also offers the option of saving it as favicon. To pin websites to the taskbar, Windows requires an ico too.

Jim 4, 1 15 Knocks X 6 Matthew Lock 7, 6 bitcoin favicon converter RonaldB yes it's the home of that plugin. And if you are using asp. As a note, doctype. Read more about it. Max 9, 14 60 When creating a favicon, you want to take the following factors bitcoin favicon converter account: Supported platforms Ten years ago, you only wanted to support desktop browsers and the solution was to generate the classic favicon.

You cannot just use a single "one size fits all" image anymore. Design As soon as you support multiple platforms, you are facing multiple design guidelines. For example, Google is using transparent icons for its own native apps on Android, while iOS icons cannot be transparent at all. You cannot just use a "single design fits all" approach. Generated icons and HTML code For two or three years, the reference has been to generate as many icons as possible in order to cover all cases.

I am afraid I created this trend all by myself: Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

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Your picture should be x or more for optimal results. Demo with this picture. The link looks like a native app. Your favicon is transparent. This is usually a good thing, but not for iOS Web Clips which are supposed to be opaque.

Look at the sample on the left, this is how a user would see your favicon as a Web Clip on his device. What to do about this?

Your favicon is not transparent. This is a good thing for iOS Web Clips. Yet, web clip corners are rounded. Depending of your favicon, it may disrupt its design.

For example, if your favicon features a square border, it will be cut at the corners. Look at the sample on the left and check how your favicon will be rendered on iOS. What do you want to do? We always create a single, high resolution, one-size-fits-all icon. Everything else is optional. Add to Homescreen is a also a feature of Android Chrome.

Your visitors can mix their natives apps and web bookmarks. Android is flexible regarding icon design. However, it automatically rounds icons which can be bad news if your icon needs square corners. Also, make sure your favicon will always be prominent, whatever the background. Use the options below to find the best fit. Android Chrome M39 introduces a manifest that helps you refine the behavior of the Add to Homescreen link.

If your master picture does not fit Android well, you can submit a picture designed especially for Android. Windows 8 and 10 users can pin your web site on their desktop. Your site appears as a tile, just like a native Windows app. Transparent pictures make better tiles. Look at the sample on the left and check that your tile looks good.

You can also choose the background of the tile. These icons are declared in a dedicated browserconfig. If your master picture does not fit Windows well, you can submit a picture designed especially for Windows. Safari implements pinned tabs and takes advantage of the MacBook Touch Bar. This feature relies on an SVG icon.

This icon must be monochrom and Safari does the rest. If your master picture does not fit well, you can submit a picture designed especially for Safari. When a browser loads a favicon for the first time, it tends to cache it and to never load it again. When your web site is not new and you want to update your favicon, that can be a problem: A workaround is to append a version to the favicon URLs as a query parameter.

Would you be so kind to report an issue? Please attach your master picture. We let you choose the scaling algorithm which provides the best result for your picture. Please wait a few seconds while we prepare the previews. When adding a link to the home screen, the user can choose a caption. By default, this is the bookmarked page title, which is usually fine. However, iOS and Windows 8 let you override this default value.

You have chosen to use a specific picture fot the iOS Web clip, but you haven't uploaded any picture. Please upload a picture or choose another option.

You have chosen to use a specific picture fot the Windows 8 tile, but you haven't uploaded any picture. You have chosen to not place your files in the root of your web site. Please specify a path. When generating a favicon with RealFaviconGenerator, the instructions ask you to place all files at the root of your web site. You may want to place them in a sub-directory, for example in http: However, there are three drawbacks with this approach:.

RealFaviconGenerator can compress the generated pictures. The compression works well on all tested platforms. The compression is lossy, meaning you might notice differences between the original and compressed pictures. Yet the differences are supposed to be minimal:. With so many platforms and icons, it's hard to know exactly what you should do. What are the dimensions of favicon.

How many Touch icons do I need? RealFaviconGenerator did the reseach and testing for you. You spent hours on design, colors, graphics How much time left for the favicon? But no worries, you only need a few minutes to tackle this task. Each platform comes with its own design requirements. You can't just use the same picture everywhere. RealFaviconGenerator knows this and lets you craft your icons platform per platform.

How will Android display my icon? How will iOS round my Touch icon? RealFaviconGenerator instantly shows you how your icons will look like. All browsers All platforms Your favorite technologies. Settings Assets Dedicated picture Your favicon is transparent. Use the original favicon as is. Add a solid, plain background to fill the transparent regions.

Add margins and a plain background. You can pick a color directly from the preview. Margin size for a 57x57 icon. Create all icons for iOS 6 and prior. In the HTML, declare only the icon with the highest resolution. Generate the corresponding precomposed icons. If your master picture does not fit iOS well, you can submit a picture designed especially for iOS.

Pick picture for iOS. Main settings Options Assets Dedicated picture Android is flexible regarding icon design. No change, keep the master picture as it is.

Margin size for a 96x96 icon. Theme color Starting with Android Lollipop, you can customize the color of the task bar in the switcher. In this mode, when the user clicks the link, Android Chrome behaves as if the page was opened like any regular web site.

In this mode, Android Chrome gives a little more "native" style to the opened page. In particular, it lets you enforce the start URL and screen orientation. It also remove the navigation bar and gives your web site its own tab in the task switcher.

Start URL Typically, your homepage. Use this field to override the URL of the bookmarked page. Force screen orientation to Portrait. Force screen orientation to Landscape. Modern versions Android Chrome 39 and later Create only recommended, high resolution icons. Create all documented icons. Pick picture for Android Chrome. Windows Metro Windows 8 and 10 users can pin your web site on their desktop. Settings Assets Dedicated picture Transparent pictures make better tiles.