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I am not yet a Bitcoin advocate. Nevertheless, I am impressed with the amount of Bitcoin activity and the progress that advocates are making towards having Bitcoin recognized as a legitimate currency.

Right now, I am mostly interested in the technology behind bitcoin and the possibility of working with some interesting data sets. A good bit bitcoin blockchain dataset stackoverflow historical data is located on sites like bitstamp. Transaction data is available in a JSON file from bitstamp. If you are a newcomer you bitcoin blockchain dataset stackoverflow find the one-liner using the plyr library more intuitive; but do have a look at the efficiency discussion on stackoverflow.

In the data frame returned above "tid" is the transaction id. We will see how to work with that below. Bitcoincharts has some market data in JSON format here. However, applying exactly the same code will most likely result in a very unhelpful error message something like this:. What's going on here is that Nulls in the data will keep R from building a data frame because some rows will have more columns than others.

The following bit of bitcoin blockchain dataset stackoverflow downloads the bitstamp transaction data in US dollars, un-zips it and reads all 8 million rows or so into a data frame.

Then the unix timestamp is converted into a date. Now for the payoff: This series tells the story of bitcoin so far: Finally note that there R some packages to help explore Bitcoin.

For a nice example of what the Rbitcoin package can do have a look at Benedikt Koehler's post from earlier this year. Posted by Joseph Rickert at You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. Very nice post as usual just a quick comment on loading json into R.

Dickoah November 04, at Hi, Rbitcoin author here. I've made one bitcoin blockchain dataset stackoverflow package worth to mention. Example of bitcoin blockchain dataset stackoverflow app accepting bitcoin payments is here https: Thank you for the kind words and the example from jsonlite. Joseph Rickert November 05, at This is great information. I can use this data for real world purposes that are completely unrelated to bitcoin mining, buying or selling.

I would really be interested in changing: Brian November 06, at Revolutions Daily news about using open source R for big data analysis, predictive modeling, data science, and visualization since Code to read compressed. Comments You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. Bitcoin blockchain dataset stackoverflow Dickoah, Thank you bitcoin blockchain dataset stackoverflow the kind words and the example from jsonlite.

Date " but get: Got comments bitcoin blockchain dataset stackoverflow suggestions for the blog editor? Follow David on Twitter: Get this blog via email with. Categories academia advanced tips AI announcements applications beginner tips big data courses current events data science developer tips events finance government graphics high-performance computing life sciences Microsoft open source other industry packages popularity predictive analytics profiles python R R is Hot random reviews Revolution Rmedia roundups sports statistics user groups See More.

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