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An informal value transfer system IVTS is any system, mechanism, or network of people that receives money for the purpose of making the funds or an equivalent value payable to a third party in another geographic location, whether or not in the same form. Informal value transfers generally take place outside of the conventional banking system through non-bank financial institution or other business entities whose primary business activity may not be the transmission of money.

An informal value transfer system is an alternative and unofficial remittance and banking system, that pre-dates current day modern banking systems. The systems were established as a means of settling accounts within villages and between villages.

It existed as far back as over years ago and even more. Their use as global networks for financial transactions spread as expatriates from the original countries settled abroad. Today, IVTS operations are found in most countries. Individuals or groups engaged in operating IVTS may do so on a full-time, part-time, or ad hoc basis. They may work independently, or as part of a multi-person network.

IVTS are based on trust. In general, operators usually didn't misappropriate the funds entrusted to them. The sender calls or faxes instructions to his counterpart and the money gets delivered in a matter of few hours. In the past, the message could be delivered using couriers, with men or even animals such as pigeons.

Settlements are made either with a private delivery service or wire transfer in the opposite direction. Another method of balancing the books is to under-invoice goods shipped abroad, so that the receiver can resell the products at a higher market price.

IVTS are used by a variety of individuals, businesses, organisations, and even governments to remit funds domestically and abroad. Expatriates and immigrants often use IVTS to send money back to their families and friends in their home countries for workers who worked abroad or foreign countries for merchants who need extra money to start a business.

IVTS operations are also used by legitimate companies, traders, organisations, and government agencies needing to conduct business in countries with basic or no formal financial systems. In some countries, IVTS-type networks operate in parallel with formal financial institutions or as a substitute or alternative for them or. Besides citizens of the host country, people legally or illegally residing in the host country from foreign countries may prefer or need to use IVTS in lieu of formal financial institutions for various reasons as described below:.

Because IVTS provides security, anonymity, and versatility to the user, the systems can be also used for supplying resources for doing illegal activities.

Following the September 11, attacks on the United States, IVTS have come under increased scrutiny and regulation in many countries as a result of pressure from the United States. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, i. Retrieved June 22, Retrieved from " https: Informal value transfer systems Financial routing standards.

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