Is it worth it to start mining ethereum june 2017how
Ipfs ethereum cryptogram
These versions have been compiled for Mac OS Instructions are included in the download, if you have any problems please check the forum. If you like this site, please support development by donating: Please support FabulousPanda by checking out our latest creation: If a dead pool was removed previously there was still a thread in the background trying to connect to it.
This has been fixed. Avalon 4 updates to use less power. Fix the BET driver not being able to restart a new instance when the first fails. Basic FreeBSD compilation support. Other minor build changes and fixes for potential issues. Formatting fixes for miner. This has been proven effective at bringing back U1 miners that stop hashing. Hopefully this might increase compatibility with some USB3 hubs on windows and make it more reliable based on the changelogs I can see in libusb.
This is the reason for the minor version number update to 12 as it's quite a substantial code change, hopefully only for the better! Hopefully he can give us a summary of the changes there.
This is useful if you are trying to determine if a device is dead for device reasons or simply isn't getting work from any pools.
If "Last getwork" is not incrementing, there is no work for any devices. Note that the default was 54 so is now 50 to be in keeping with USB2 power limit standards.
The driver is otherwise unchanged so any other differences you see are pure variance. With water cooling they usually drop in temperature very rapidly. This can be configured with --hfa-temp-overheat -- Hashrate displayed will be based on valid shares returned so should more accurately represent what the pool will see you hashing at.
It will look very unstable initially. Earlier boards do have some loss so the previously displayed hashrate was always over. You can compare the total hashes estimated by this as "Calc hashcount" to compare with "Raw hashcount" the device has worked on in the API stats to see how they differ.
Custom devices will come up with the generic HFA name. Note that if you are trying to select them with the --usb command, they are all seen as HFA due to the fact that cgminer can only tell them apart after they have been initialised and running.
More info about this from him hopefully. These are set up the same as every other USB device is on cgminer. Tested on both windows and linux sorry no osx to test. Note the hashrate is once again based on only valid shares so may appear lower than other software using this device.
No HW errors are currently counted though they're most definitely there in abundance due to bitfury design. This is a driver based on all the other ones out there with a completely rewritten model to suit how cgminer drivers work. Note this is not a comprehensive fix for the hardware errors specific to rEligius - you will find a substantial drop in hardware errors if you start cgminer with the quiet and text only options -q -T.
An updated binary is here: This includes dynamic clocking based on temperature which tries to maintain a constant temperature set intiially to 82 degrees but adjustable with --bxf-temp-target. If you wish to aim for a higher maximum, use the --temp-cutoff feature 90 was the old maximum. If you set it to zero it will disable this behaviour. I'm preparing for our summer here Wink - BFL SC devices will be less aggressive with their fan control now, allowing temps to drift up a little more before going to maximum speed.
Note that using this option is not recommended unless you can't install udev anyway. Advertise with Anonymous Ads. De Stijl Art Factory: Long term stability updates, clean ups and driver updates.