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Maybe in years I can see it. If baby face boy is correct ,Satoshi will be most happy. Wondering who are those 4. Verge is going to moon for sure, Good Project and great team. Verge will moon in the next crypto pump.

Bitcoin is trash, give me a break. This is why bitcoin is valuable, satoshi bitcoinsaki of the many reason. Dude this is just trash talk and no solid evidence. Cant wait to see the bullish market like BTC Address: I am a Verge investor and this explained clearest what is happening with the partnership. Lol, you are totally bat shit crazy! And back away from the camera. Can't wait for Verge to go to the moon! I'm making a Twitter just because of you, it's been awhile satoshi bitcoinsaki I last had a Twitter.

Thanks for the updates! Cryptobanana Pineapple Express Satoshi bitcoinsaki fa. XVG Price Prediction Live with Verge's Creator Sunerok talking about the huge partnership! Mass Adoption Coming For Verge!! Is Verge a Scam? Red Flags Surrounding Verge Cryptocurrency! Verge XVG Partners with. XVG Mooning and Pumping! Verge News, Updates and Partnerships of Verge XVGwhy I bought some despite the high price.

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It improves upon the original Bitcoin blockchain and aims to fulfill its initial purpose of providing individuals and businesses with a fast, efficient and decentralized way of making direct transactions while maintaining personal privacy. Verge crypto tokens to enable new ICO's to build a new private tokens on the blockchain.

Verge is not a private company funded by pre-mined coins or ICO's. All of the development and marketing is supported by the thousands of members of the community.

Decentralized and open-source Verge is a decentralized currency based on an open-source platform. There is no central control over the coin.

Ready for mass adoption Verge offers a wide array of secure wallets for multiple operating systems. The revolutionary Tor Android Wallet offers mobile anonymity, which is a unique feature among privacy-oriented coins. Scrypt, x17, groestl, blake2s, and lyra2rev2 Block Time: Osher Astrologer Finance Investors.

I'm witnessing what how's soaring the crypto market now.. But verge to begin, will get improved a lot probably not before 2nd week of April. Anyhow, I'm always telling I'm doing weekly monthly prediction chart ignoring daily moves.

Everybody know that end of April will be good for crypto. You did not say anything new. Some people would say that Astrology is not scientific but recently not even Elliot Wave theory has been reliable, so I will keep an open mind towards your videos.

Hello, what birth date did you use for XVG and birth place? Do you have the exact time??? Can you give it to us plz. Thx mate, just noticed the reply. I got the time from the platen's position in your video. Transiting jupiter in retro in 10th house till july This jan should give us the answer. BuyOrBuyNot if you can't find the time I've used inside the video, simply investigate when was the open token sale distribution. Most crypto currency aren't sitting in one place and are starting between 12pm to 1pm UTC time..

Not always I choose the open sale, especially when token distribution wasn't led finally to trade. Hi Osher, i am a huge fan of your channel!

Keep up the good work: May happen next month I guess. Get ready to blooming watch nice green leaves in many coins as spring in knocking on the door. Thank you Thank you! Warren Buffet Stubborn like a Taurus. What is Verge [XVG]? What Everyone Is Talking About! Mass Adoption Coming For Verge!! XVG Price Prediction Verge XVG Partners with.