Soil Acidity and Liming of Indiana Soils

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Lots of folks like to take sell liquid lime, travel the easy road and get it done fast. I was one of those people, when it came to sell liquid lime plots, until I learned the hard way, 25 years ago, that we had to have lime to grow anything other than KY31 toxic fescue in our food plots in Northeast Georgia.

Our soil tests were showing pH levels from 4. Each field gets soil tested at least once every three years in sell liquid lime mid-summer; we get results back from our University extension service soil testing lab and follow their recommendations for liming. Actually, from experience and advice from agronomist Dr. If our test shows two tons needed, we apply three. There is no doubt in my mind that lime is the backbone of our clover plot program.

Without it, we would be sunk. Acidity is the number one soil problem in the entire Eastern U. Past loss of topsoil, native acidity of woodland soils and intensive use of croplands have all contributed to increased soil acidity. Nitrogen fertilizers, crop removal and the loss of calcium and magnesium by leaching all combine to push soil pH downward. This is a great mystery. Agricultural lime is frequently called the biggest bargain available to farmers.

Acid soil conditions are a result of high hydrogen ion concentration in sell liquid lime soil. Lime application causes hydrogen to be replaced by calcium and magnesium, which reduces the acidity.

In turn, other nutrients such as phosphorus can easily displace some sell liquid lime the calcium and magnesium on the soil particle and be held for plant use.

Usually crops not requiring heavy applications of nitrogen can go three to five years between lime applications.

Less lime is needed to raise soil pH in a sandy sell liquid lime than in a clay soil. Agricultural lime begins to work immediately upon contact with acid soil.

However, a full reaction may take sell liquid lime long as 12 to 24 months. Lime can be applied at any time of year, especially under dry spreading conditions and unbroken ground. Performance of lime is enhanced by applying well in advance of the growing season. It is very important to incorporate lime into the top four to six inches of soil where it is available uniformly to the plant root systems.

Lime does not move downward quickly in the soil sell liquid lime. Fertilizer without lime is about as effective as a deer rifle without bullets! Most crops grow well at a soil pH of 6. However, to get even better performance especially from legumeswe shoot for 6.

Other tips include using a spreader truck wherever possible for convenience and price. I know hunters who have done it with a four-wheeler or even shoveled it out of the back of a pickup truck. If it has to be, it has sell liquid lime be, but try your best to locate your plots so they are accessible by lime truck and big enough to be worth a trip two acres or better usually equals a minimum of four tons of lime on an eight ton capacity truck.

Treat your agricultural lime truck dealer like your best buddy by making every effort to avoid getting his truck stuck or breaking its side view mirrors on narrow roads! A word of caution: There are some extravagant, exaggerated testimonials out there claiming that this product is so concentrated that it is the equivalent of thousands of pounds of powdered agricultural lime. In summary, to get the most from your expensive seed and fertilizer or even to sell liquid lime it to grow at all in many casesapply lime according to soil tests or even higher than recommended.

It will contribute to higher protein, higher production, better digestibility and eventually to better antlers. Lime is calcium, a major component of sell liquid lime antlers. Believe me, it is far more important than salt licks! We want to share our passion and knowledge with you. Let us help you take the guesswork out of getting the lawn and garden you deserve. Guide to Growing Successful Game Plots. Deluxe Fall Deer Mixture. Yes, Please No, Thanks.

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