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Our next Resources Committee meeting is: Wednesday 20th June at 8am. All members of the Local Governing Body of Woodfield Primary School are appointed for 4 years, unless otherwise stated. The Local Governing Body is made up as follows: Please click on the links below to view the Inspection Copies of Local Governing Body documents for this academic year Sep to August Local Governing Body Meeting Agendas. Agenda — Full LGB Minutes — Full LGB Agenda — Resources Minutes — Resources Statement of Internal Control.
Local Governing Body Handbook. Register of Governor Interests — Sep It should be noted that the Governors Attendance Register for Sep to Aug is a working document and is updated and uploaded to this website regularly:. Excellent governance in itself cannot directly improve the quality of teaching or overcome other problems within schools; this is the province of the Head Teacher and professional staff. However, by appropriate challenge and focus on the key issues that restrict improvement, the governing body can identify potential difficulties and ensure that corrective action is put in place.
We hope by reading the minutes above you will agree this is exactly what the Governors at our school undertake. Helen Harrison Head Teacher. Peter Steadman Governor Chair. Nigel Simpson Governor Parent. Julie Clift Governor Co-opted. Rosie Baldock Governor Co-opted. Sandra Betts Governor Co-opted. Jayne Miller Governor Associate. Nicky Fallon Governor Associate. Kate Hope Governor Staff. Brian Newland Governor Staff.