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Our last two posts here at Money Momma have bee about ways to save money for your small business. In our first post we discussed how telecommuting and allowing employees to telecommute can save you a lot of money and in our most recent post we discussed different tax savings for your business.
For our last segment of this series I wanted to primul set de bancomate bitcoin din los angeles in aceasta saptamana up with some unique ways to save money for you business that may not have crossed your mind yet. Would love to hear from readers who have tips of their own on how other small business owners can save money with their business! June 14, Category: Frugal LivingSmall Business.
If you are setting up an online business start with sites like Ebay, Etsy or Amazon to ensure there is a market for you product before shelling out money to set up a website or storefront. Join communities, facebook pages and forums related to your business and get involved. Even if you are not talking specifically about your business but sound knowledgeable people will visit the link primul set de bancomate bitcoin din los angeles in aceasta saptamana your website in your signature.
Use a site like Craigslist or check for local business auctions or surplus stores to find used office furniture and equipment for your business. If your business does a lot of shipping or sending out marketing materials make sure your mailing list is up to date.
Sending out materials to customers that no longer live there is a waste or money. Ask your local post office to help you clean up your mailing list for free and ensuring that the addresses you have are valid.
To save money even more consider sending out coupons or marketing materials with other items such as invoices or look in to group mailings like Valpak. Be sure to shop around for the best rates on everything from health insurance to credit card rates. If you carry over a balance on your business credit card, having a card with a good rate that also offers some kind of small business incentives can be a big help. Use your vehicle to promote your business. Consider how many potential customers you may be driving by every day.
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Current Small Business Sentiment October 29,