Nitrogen application with irrigation water: chemigation
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Dean 38 Vernon B. Also, the fue'l injection system add to the: This invention relates liquid n injection pump to newand useful improvements in pumps, and'more specifically etc ,a fuel injection pump. Although for many years carburetors have been liquid n injection pump in conjunction with gasoline engines, and the injection 0f fuel has been limited to diessel engines andsimilar-oil burning engines, recent efforts to obtain.
Ffiiciency from gasoline engines in the automotive industry How er. Oflthe internal liquid n injection pump engine. Another object of vthis invention is'to 1-provide animprove'd fuel injection pump, the fuel'injection pumpzbeing so constructed wherebyit maybe readily. Another difliculty with ifuelzinjectioni pumps is that. It is well known that gasolinehas penetrating qualities and thus should there'be-any wearbetweena piston and a cylinder of a pump, igasoline'avill miflmpt to run past the piston.
Qf-th P s m y e ar ed w v he fir liq i he s Pump d-in h cham er by th wnistqn; d. Figure 3 jsairagmenta-ry sectional. Ho eve the n nets mppnem 10 m y be the block or a composite-9f the-block andhead ,of: The fuel injection, pump 18'includes an elongated cham- ;ber 20 whichextendsq-through thebase 12 and the plate " That portion of the chamber 20 disposed in the upper partof the base: The upper end of the chamber is-c1osed by a diaphragm 26 which projects ldown intotheuchamber The threads 22 and 34; are of the well-known Acme typev and a.
The lower end of the duce a relatively great longitudinalmovement off'the cylinder as compared tothe use of regular"threads. The cam shaft 36 is provided with one cam lobe 38 for each of the fuel in-' jection pumps It is to be understood that there will be one fuel injection pump 18 for each cylinder'of the internal combustion engine of which the engine component 10 is a part.
The cam lobe 38 disposed 'in thelow e'r'- part of the chamber Positioned withinthe cylinder 32 for ire liquid n injection pump movement towards and-away from thediaphragm 26 is a piston The liquid n injection pump 40 has the lower end thereof re-- cessed as at 42 and carries a roller type follower 44 which is, mounted on a pin liquid n injection pump The follower 44 engages thecam the-piston Engaging the check valve memher and resisting the upward movement thereof is a spring The spring bears against the spacer ring which is retained in place.
Fitting carries a return line The purpose of the return line is only that in the event the injection nozzle 90 should be clogged or for some other reason fuel cannot be pumped therethrough, then the liquid n injection pump will be pumped through the relief line back to the reservoir for the fuel. It is to be understood that the movement of the piston 40 will be the same for each stroke. In order to control the movement of the diaphragm 26 and thus control the amount of fuel being pumped, the cylinder 32 is provided with a port The port opens through the cylinder 'into the reservoir The cylinder 32 is also provided with a control arm to'which there is connected suitable linkage which may be remotely actuated.
By turning the control arm the cylinder 32 may be turned and thus moved towards or away from the diaphragm In'orde'r that-movement of the piston 40 will causea like movement to the diaphragm 26, the reservoir 24 will be' filled with "a first liquid to be pumped, the first liquid bein'g preferably lubricating oil of-thesame typewhich will be used in the crankcase of the internal combustion.
Thus should there be any. In-ord'er that the reservoir 24 may remain filledat all. It is desirablethat the-level of the first liquid be maintained well above the reservoir 24, as is shown by the. Thus when this happens and the piston 40 moves downwardly, 'a vacuum will be created between the piston 40 and the diaphragm In order to prevent this, there is provided a relief passage which extends from the upper part of the chamber 20 down into the reservoir The relief Inasmuch as ,pas'sa g e has mounted in the lower end thereof a check valve assembly which is referred to in general by the refer'ence'numeral The lower end of the bore 66 definies a seat 70 on which there is seated a spring 72 for a check valve 74'.
The injection liquid n injection pump 90 will be so mounted in the cylinder head of theinternal combustion engine so as to spray the fuel being pumped directly into the combustion'chamber The upper ,po rtion of thelr'elie f passage 92 isfin the sage 82 includesan enlarged-internally threaded up er I fuel injection type, which pump is so constructed whereby it may be incorporated in an engine as a part thereof thus eliminating the necessity for a separate housing and separate drive'rather than the conventional cam shaft liquid n injection pump.
Furthermore, by utilizing a first liquid to pump the second liquid, which second liquid is the fuel injector, there can be no dilution of the lubrication system for either the pump or the liquid n injection pump combustion engine. Furthermore, by using a relatively heavy liquid as the initial pumping agent, the escape of the liquid past the piston is substantially prevented and thus accurate amount of fuel is injected on each stroke of the liquid n injection pump.
The foregoing is considered as illustrative only of the principles of'the invention. Further, since numerous modifications and changes will readily occur to those skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and operation shown and de- -'scribed. A'n injection tvpe pump for fuel and the like.
An injection type pump for fuel and the like, said pump comprising a housing defining an elongated pulsator chamber, a diaphragm closing one end of said chamber, said diaphragm projecting into said chamber, a cylinder, cooperating means on said cylinder and said housing for moving said cylinder longitudinally of said chamber toward and liquid n injection pump from said diaphragm, a reservoir surrounding said cylinder, a piston disposed in said cylinder in spaced relation to said diaphragm, means carried by said housing and engaging said piston for efiecting reciprocation of said piston, an inlet passage in said housing liquid n injection pump communication with said diaphragm remote from said chamber for admitting a first liquid, 2.
The combination of claim 2 wherein said cylinder is threadedly engaged in said housing, and a control arm eccentrically secured to said cylinder depending from said housing. Filed July 11,Ser. It istherefore the primary ;object of thisinventjon: The threads 22 and liquid n injection pump are of the well-known Acme typev and a, minor rotational movement of the cylinder 32 will pro nally threaded upper portion By shifting the port towards the diaphragm 26, the. Y 'The plate 1 6 is also provided with a relief passage 92 which opens-into the chamber 29 above the diaphragm What is'claimed as new is as follows: Direct injection fuel pump for engine with controlled ignition and injection system comprising same.
Hydraulically-actuated system having a variable delivery fixed displacement pump.