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This site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads and job listings. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Change block-chain file location, settings? Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Linked Questions hot newest votes active unanswered.

Where is the data folder for Bitcoin-Qt? Where can I find the blockchain, wallet. Moving the Bitcoin folder from AppData Bitcoin's taking a lot of space on my C drive, and I would like to move it to another drive. I've figured out to dogecoin qt wallet out of sync heartbeat it using symbolic links, but the problem is that my Bitcoin client is currently How do I specify in which directory Bitcoin blocks and other data should dogecoin qt wallet out of sync heartbeat stored?

The block folder seems to grow bigger everyday and is stored on my C drive in the roaming directory. I would like to set this to some other folder on Enthusiast 1 6 How to make Bitcoin-Qt client portable? Is there a way to change the wallet. I know that Bitcoin supports the -datadir command line option which specifies that the wallet. How to move Bitcoin dogecoin qt wallet out of sync heartbeat from Application Support on an external drive [Mac] I'd like to put all my Bitcoin data on an external drive instead of having it on my hard drive, as it's taking too much space on my laptop.

I did find an answer on this page regarding how to create a How to make Bitcoin-Qt or other client run off of a flash drive Mac I work in an office with lots of computers, and I am on a different workstation every day. Bitcoin-Qt on Mac leaves all the files in the How to move the blockchain data while still being able to use the wallet?

Using the standard client, Bitcoin-Qt, v0. Comodore 6 Can I configure Bitcoin Linux with a custom wallet location? Suppose I do now want to rely on the internal Bitcoin Data directory issue I have everything set up normally.

My only issue is that my data directory is in C: Normaly this is what you would want, but, if you noticed, dogecoin qt wallet out of sync heartbeat username has Move the blockchain to a different location I am using the Bitcoin-Qt application on Ubuntu, but the blockchain is very large and is wasting space on my SSD drive. Is there a way that I can move it to a hard disk drive?

There doesn't seem to Qwertie 1 1 9. Using the main Bitcoin-Qt Client, can you change where it stores the block chain? Can I change where the Bitcoin-Qt stores the block chain? Darek Bridges 8 4. Whenever I start Abe, I am told: Synchronizing blockchain data to external hard disk [duplicate] I've been struggling to find an answer for this, but it seems like there is no solid, well-documented answer for this.

How can I use mounted external drive for blockchain synchronization? JayB Kim 4 3. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.

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I having a hard time to analyze our main. Do not shadow upper local variable 'send', prevent -Wshadow compiler warning. Do not shadow upper local variable 'send', prevent -Wshadow compiler warning I don't recall what governs the decision between asking only a single peer vs everyone.

We should focus on being robust and increasingly so in the face of abusive peers. I haven't tested it, Wouldn't a timeout of lets say 30 secs make sense in this case? If timeout fired, select next node for header-sync.

I wish we could control the number of headers retured by getheaders in that initial case Then pick among the responses, and keep doubling the request size, requesting from a single peer, so long as the replies are sufficiently fast.

Then a short timeout would be fine. Create CConnman to encapsulate p2p connections. Fix random segfault when closing "Choose data directory" dialog Added feeler connections increasing good addrs in the tried table Reduce default number of blocks to check at startup I always wondered if you need the "Rebased-From: I never bothered, top-level commits have to be signed anyhow, so I can just as well add in the metadata.

Fix segwit-related wallet bug Fix segwit-related wallet bug 06master Move static global randomizer seeds into CConnman 06master