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Merge mining is allowed on the SHAd and Scrypt algorithms. This has enabled Myriad to take advantage of the huge hashrates currently in use by coins using these algorithms. Merge Groestl coin cgminer litecoin price, or AuxPow, allows the work being done for a parent coin such as Groestl coin cgminer litecoin price or Litecoin to be used to find valid blocks on Myriad's blockchain.
Myriad was released to the wild on February 23, at The first mined block came 4 minutes later, thus establishing that there was no premine.
The initial reward was 1, MYR, halving everyblocks approximately 48 weeks. Total supply is approximately 2 billion MYR. Target block time is 60 seconds, or seconds per algorithm.
You can acquire Myriad from any of the following popular exchanges. Coming inyou can expect to see Myriad available through more large exchanges as it continues to groestl coin cgminer litecoin price. To mine Myriad, you'll need to first download a wallet. Then, one of the listed mining softwares and fire away!
If you need a little help, groestl coin cgminer litecoin price can watch this YouTube tutorial. Myriad supports a handful of different mining softwares. You can choose from the list below for what algorithm you want to mine with depending on how your mining rig or device is setup. You can mine Myriad through a number of pools. If you don't know what a mining pool is, you can learn more here. We've listed the pools that currently support mining and merge mining of Myriad below.
A Coin For Everyone. Distribution Myriad was released to the wild on February 23, at Other Builds View on GitHub. Source GitHub Source Code zip 0. Exchanges You can acquire Myriad from any of the following popular exchanges. Buy on Bittrex Buy on NLexch. Buy on Cryptopia Buy on Litebit. Getting Started To mine Myriad, you'll need to first download a wallet. Mining Software Myriad supports a handful of different mining softwares. Mining Pools You can mine Myriad through a number of pools.
Myr-Groestl If you mine using Myr-Groestl, you have a few options. Skein If you mine using Skein, you have a few options. Yescrypt To be decided. Miningfield Pool URL myrsha Miners-pool eu View Pool Details. Skein View Pool Details. MultiPool View Pool Details.