Warren Buffett on How To Invest – Lessons for Bitcoin and Crypto investing 2017

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You can't invest in currency or store of value, stupid. You can gamble or trade it, but not invest in it. Review the definition of investment. If I bought an old car fixed it up and sold it.

China ban want hurt it long weeks tops and no more than 1k if that. In and most of my friends were investing in dot. This was 18 years ago. My friends lost millions and millions. I did not invest one penny in Amazon and I do not regret for one second. I have been following Mr. Buffett for 25 years and because this I do not need to work for more than years if I do not make any money anymore.

I still think that Bitcoin is a bubble like the Tulip bubble back in Conservative pays off big time. Invest in companies that will be here in the next years. I do not invest in banks or municipal bonds, they are very risky. Even Chase and Citibank are very risky. I hope I helped you not to warren buffett on how to investlessons for bitcoin and crypto investing 2017 your money.

Rule number 1 of Investing: Do not lose your money, Rule 2: Do not forget the rule number 1, Warren Buffett. Subscribe to the Podcast: If you're tryna get in the bitcoin market you should try CoinBase guys. Its the most popular one. Free your money from the banks and join crypto! Welcome to join the Minersale cloud mining: Payouts every day, affiliate system. Let's make some coins! Now that the news about Charlie Rose has finally come out, we should all open our minds and not dismiss the possibilities that other celebrities also may be fooling us all!

For example it should not be a surprise to anyone if credible accusations of Bill Gates being an unethical monopolistic, predatory pricing competitor and self centered globalist posing as a philanthropist spreading unsafe vaccines into 3rd world countries comes out, maybe even supported by perhaps strong evidence, not just hearsay? India has made a possibly credible move in that regard, finally and the news media did not really cover it in a very prominent way Just ask Borland International how an inferior suite of apps from Microsoft won out in a "free and fair" marketplace: Not to mention withholding next future revs of Window's specifications from 3rd party software developers to put them at a significant disadvantage developing their competing next generations of their software Turning to Warren Buffett, he seems like such a very honorable, friendly and avuncular chap: But so did Bernie Madoff: Warren's secrets may actually be bigger than anyone could guess -- and may go beyond speculation that he is simply a Cherry Coke, and closet Dairy Queen addict, but it may just be that there is something so well planned and skillfully orchestrated for decades, and kept in the warren buffett on how to investlessons for bitcoin and crypto investing 2017, something that may make Bernie Madeoff look like a piker?

Again, no accusations here, just conjecture meant to open your mind to the possibilities: They are both American heroes, so I really do hope that nothing as negative about any one of them comes out, or is true about either of them But birds of a feather usually flock together: Charlie will be in the dog house for a while, but just like Brian Williams, the global-libs take good care of their own, so we may see Charlie back on the rarefied MSM air in some form or fashion a lot sooner than logic and ethics would dictate: Warren pretty much funded the bill and Melinda gates foundation for those vaccines, didn't you know?

He's a Jew, what do you expect? He's also been caught and fined by the SEC for stock manipulation in penny stocks from what I remember. So yea, he's not squeaky clean for sure.

But, I have seen his investment portfolio, and for the most part, it seems warren buffett on how to investlessons for bitcoin and crypto investing 2017 he plays fair I guess, but often he gets special offers and discounts from companies just for warren buffett on how to investlessons for bitcoin and crypto investing 2017 warren buffet, which seems unfair, because he basically starts off with a profit, it's like cheating.

He's also a bit of a liar, he does not practice what he preaches, he tells other people not to try to time the market, but he's holding back right now, holding most of his money in cash and not investing, because the market seems too frothy, and he's probably going to try to buy everything when it crashes and things become cheap. Shaun Moo's CryptoMazing World. Warren Buffet talks clearly about how rto choose an investment. These principles can be used when looking at ICO's as well as established crpto options.

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