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This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Stop treating mod devs poorly. These people mod as a hobby or as a service to the community, they don't have to take your suggestion and you are not entitled to anything from them.
Curse Help Register Sign In. Home Minecraft Forum Mapping and Modding: The doge launcher is now enchantable and some doge tool stat settings in config file. This is my first mod and its all about doge! More stuff will hopefully be added, not sure what yet so I'm open to suggestions! Full set of doge tools - double the power, half the durability of diamond Full set of doge armour - ditto Dogecoin - has the ability to turn any mob into a shibe Doge Launcher - fires dogecoins as a projectile GPU - mines blocks with a chance of getting doge Blocks: Doge - 10x more health than a wolf Recipes: Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft http: USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.
ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc. Last edited by mmdanggg2: Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. Wow such mod many shibe. Maybe if you add more items i'll do a mod showcase.
What do these tools do? What are the stats? Are the shibes any different from the wolves? Last edited by DwarfishMiner: This is a signature. I have literally nothing to put in it. If you're a small map maker, send me a PM and if it's good enough I'll advertise it in my sig.
I'll do a review soon EDIT: Last edited by CoachAwesomeName: Nnnnnnice, I'll get right into doing a mod showcase! I hope you keep up with these awesome ideas! Just added support for 1. Dang man, looks great. Reviewed and Loved it!
Wow very much enjoy! Last edited by BU