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This stuff is best understood with examples. You must consult a licensed tax professional regarding your personal tax situation. Any statements here should be confirmed with your tax advisor. There are some essential things you need to know before I get into the tax scenarios. You can jump to any section that interests you. How do I track it all? Companies like Coinbase are sending your trades to the IRS. Again, if you are buying and selling cryptocurrency, just pay your taxes.
As of now Bitcoin is treated as a property. Amazon pays taxes on the profit of that sale. If the computer cost them 0. What Amazon needs to do in this case is calculate how much the Bitcoin was worth at the time of the purchase!!
What if the price of 0. On the other hand, if 0. The most responsible thing for Amazon to do in cases like this would be to immediately convert part of their BTC profits to USD and set it aside for their tax payments later on. Hopefully now you understand the difference between a currency transaction and a property transaction.
I included this section because it is the question I get asked the most. Income tax is what you pay on ordinary income like a salary from a job or profit from selling something as the Amazon situation above describes. The income tax rate varies wildly depending on how much income you actually earn. Capital Gains tax is a term to describe the tax rate you pay if you own an asset for more than a year.
If you buy 10 Bitcoin on March 1, for 70, and sell it in under a year, you pay income tax. Now you should have the foundational knowledge to understand how cryptocurrencies are treated in terms of taxes.
How much do you pay in tax? Before , people used to claim that buying one cryptocurrency with another cryptocurrency was a like-kind exchange. That would allow them to trade Bitcoin for Ethereum without paying tax between that transaction. Congress updated the tax code to clarify that cryptocurrencies should be treated as properties. What you need to do is calculate the USD values of the Bitcoin and Ethereum at the time of the transaction.
At the time of this transaction, your 1. You have more Bitcoin than you started with! You may be worrying about burden of tracking this stuff if you are making many trades every day. You need to do exactly what we did in the example above. If you were paid for a service in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency, you need to pay income tax on the earnings. For example, if you designed a logo for someone and they paid you 2 BTC for your work, you need to calculate the USD value of 2 BTC at the time of the transaction and pay tax on that.
The thing to remember in a situation like this is that not setting aside the tax money immediately can come back to bite you later on. Instead, you hold it in hope that the value goes up. By tax time the value of your 2 BTC has dropped in half a common occurance in crypto-world. The moral of the story is that you should immediately sell some of your Bitcoin to cover your taxes once you receive it. If you, as a business owner, bought 1.
But because your 1. Tracking the dollar value of all of your transactions can be daunting, especially if you need to backtrack to trades you made months ago. Fortunately, there are tools that will pull your trades from exchange APIs and do it all for you.
One such tool is Bitcoin. In this course you'll see me make a profitable cryptocurrency trade. I'll explain what trading is all about, show you how to get set up to trade yourself, and then make a live trade. Is Bitcoin a Currency? Who needs to pay taxes? Bitcoin is a property. And that makes all the difference.
What happens if that sale is in Bitcoin instead of dollars A property instead of a currency? You send them 0. How much does Amazon pay in tax on that profit? This gets to the crux of how a property transaction differs from a currency transaction. In other words, what was the dollar value of Bitcoin when the computer was purchased? Income Tax Income tax is what you pay on ordinary income like a salary from a job or profit from selling something as the Amazon situation above describes.
Capital Gains Tax Capital Gains tax is a term to describe the tax rate you pay if you own an asset for more than a year. How does capital gains tax impact a Bitcoin purchase?
Tax Scenarios Now you should have the foundational knowledge to understand how cryptocurrencies are treated in terms of taxes. If you have a question that I did not cover, feel free to ask it in the comments below. If you purchase 1. Later on, you decide to use that 1.
Someone paid me for something in Bitcoin If you were paid for a service in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency, you need to pay income tax on the earnings. This can get ugly. I paid someone for something in Bitcoin This is another question people have a hard time wrapping their heads around.
You might need to pay taxes if you pay someone in BTC. I'm making several trades every day. In Conclusion Talk to your accountant. Make Your First Trade A free video course In this course you'll see me make a profitable cryptocurrency trade.