Dogecoin Development Showing Real Potential for Growth with Dogewand

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As far as cryptocurrencies go, Dogecoin is definitely one of the cheapest tokens on the market and you can check its price on Coinmarketcap. What is Dogecoin though? What are its features or potential? Will it replace Dogecoin potential reddit some day? Dogecoin potential reddit a time to be alive! As the name suggests, Doge is the meme that was popularized a few years back based on the Shiba Inu breed of dogs.

The reason why its value is low is because the supply of Dogecoin is potentially infinite. There are already billion Dogecoins circulating in the market and the number is always increasing as long as miners continue to mine for more. A tipping coin would be useful in huge sites like Reddit where you tip other users who are helpful.

Maybe in the future it can be used in other big sites like 9GAG as an example. Steem is already doing that. As mentioned above, Dogecoin is more of a tipping coin, and as such, I doubt it will replace Bitcoin.

As an altcoin enthusiast, I believe some other coin dogecoin potential reddit replace Bitcoin since the latter is pretty slow and old technologically. Newer coins with zero fees and high transaction speed like Steem is already in the market.

It all depends on how the public would react. Remember, the market is not rational. It may still go up a lot. If cryptocurrencies are adopted as a mainstream currency, perhaps Dogecoin stands a chance to establish itself as THE meme token. Perhaps we may get an incentivized version of 9GAG or other sites, i.

Then again, many coins are. Take Ark, Dogecoin potential reddit and Stratis for instance. However, the supply may be an issue. An unlimited number of blocks dogecoin potential reddit be solved, which theoretically means supply is unlimited.

If they however change the protocol and limit the supply, then perhaps dogecoin potential reddit value might go up as well. I would think that Dogecoin if successful would only be used in one area, i. Like I said above, memes and Reddit. Tokens these days dogecoin potential reddit created with a purpose or niche.

Some deal with decentralized storage, some do lending of cryptos and so on. Every token can be used for transactions theoretically, so you need a purpose to stand out. I personally hold a small amount of Dogecoins in my crypto portfolio. An incentivized meme platform would be nice, where you get paid in Dogecoins for awesome memes. This is dogecoin potential reddit to be taken as financial or investment advice of any sort. Always do your own research before investing and never invest more than you can afford to.

Do check out my other articles on crypto as well. There are also new coin airdrops that you may want to look at. These companies are giving away a portion of their coins in the hope of getting investments. Sign up here to get your free tokens. Here are a few ways for you to buy Bitcoins.

You need Bitcoins if you want to buy other altcoins. These are referral links. Alvin is a full-time blogger and is the founder of this blog, Ordinary Reviews, dogecoin potential reddit contains blogging tips, social media experiments and ways to make money from home. He makes a full time income from his blogs and from Steemit https: Hey guys, I'm Alvin and I'm the founder of this blog. If you're interested in living the dot com life, you're in the right dogecoin potential reddit.

For more info on myself and this blog, Read Moreā€¦. Potential of Dogecoin As mentioned above, Dogecoin dogecoin potential reddit more of a tipping coin, and as such, I doubt it will replace Bitcoin. Personal opinion on Dogecoin I personally hold a small amount of Dogecoins in my crypto portfolio. New coins distributed There are also new coin airdrops that you may want to look at.

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