Binance’s Coin Listing Policy Raises Questions
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Also, thanks to all who contacted us about sponsorship. Get out while you can. I've been in Bitcoin sinceand I still chat daily with a lot of people from the early days, big holders and miners. If you are not careful this will be the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of Bitcoin.
These people don't like Blockstream's takeover, and they will fight for what they consider to be the real Bitcoin, aka BItcoin cash. The segwit team hitbtc fees swallows have money. Big blockers are the people with a lot of holdings.
These people combined have billions worth of Bitcoin. They are angry, and they are ready to put their money where their mouth is. Another quote from a chinese miner: Show me your money. Go post that whore kike too, make us laff with dem good maymays. The ""secret miner"" who has been mining the BCC chain at a loss has been estimated to have spent around 10 millions on hitbtc fees swallows and k a day mining at a loss. These people don't fuck around.
Now, this is what's gonna happen: While everyone dumps their bcc to buy more btc, the whales will be accumulating bcc and selling btc. Despite all the people dumping, the long term trend will be up for bcc and down for btc, because the whales simply have more money.
At a certain point hitbtc fees swallows will witness the flippening, thanks to the faster difficulty adjustment and high market price, it will become more profitable to mine bcc than btc.
This is when the miners will hop en-masse and abandon btc. Since btc has no fast diff adjustment, the chain will be starved. Blocks could take hours to be found, fees will go up, and a difficulty adjustment will take several months at a slow speed. This is the point of no return. While bcc price keeps rising, btc will keep falling to the ground.
People will start calling bcc the real bitcoin. You are sitting hitbtc fees swallows a table of high stakes poker. These people are angry, they have a lot of money, and they have a plan. They will crash blockstream and segwit into the ground. In the hitbtc fees swallows, bcc will go to the moon.
There's always two sides to a trade. I don't care if you will listen to me or not. Stupid people deserve to lose their money, but don't say I didn't warn you. Many come from traditional industries.
You cannot imagine how hitbtc fees swallows money they have, buying miners 10 million at a time. In the meantime Jihan and friends keep their poker face. They are not stupid. Core has revealed all their cards and act like whiny kids. They already go around forums loudly saying they won't respect the 2x part of the agreement, do you really think the other side is this dumb?
They are already putting their money where their mouth is. If you were such a fucking newfag, you'd know it too. It has nothing to do with the tech itself. BTC has no practical use and it doesn't need to be fast or "better".
BCC is doing pretty well so far but I wondor if that will last price is at 0. I would love to buy it from you for that price! In fact its so dead that the block chain isnt working properly and as of right now, will take days to hitbtc fees swallows for coin transfers to take place. What you guys fail to understand is that, at least by the old holders, core is seen as the fork.
Segwit radically changes the way hitbtc fees swallows protocol works, so it's effectively an alt, different from what is described in the bitcoin whitepaper. Soft fork and Hard fork are just semantics, i you want you can change a lot with a soft fork and very little with a hard fork, only difference is adding new rules vs removing rules. So, at least from the point of view of old bitcoiners, segwit-coin is seen as the fork, whereas bcc is the continuation of bitcoin, it only lifts the temporary 1MB cap that was introduced to avoid spam when btc was worthless.
You are badly misinformed by Core propaganda. The bitcoin cash blockchain is currently getting blocks pretty fast. Last one was 5 minutes ago, previous one 10 minutes ago. The mining had been stopped on purpose to make the difficulty go down. Hitbtc fees swallows a highly tactical operation. Mining was stopped precisely for 12 hours so that the difficulty adjustment would kick in.
Your delusioanl blockstream conspiracies and your cult-like muh satoshi vision can go fuck themselves. You have your shitcoin Bitcoin Cash now, keep your bag for yourself and stop annoying hitbtc fees swallows wiht your disgusting propaganda. You do realize that most people at blockstream arrived after them, and basically took over?
People like Gavin, who was the designated successor by satoshi, have been ousted, by people like maxwell and luke who, by their own admission, hitbtc fees swallows believe in bitcoin, didn't understand the economics of it and didn't have any holdings.
As i said, this is a war and there are two sides, I will stick with the early adopters and people who have hundreds of millions invested in hardware. But you are free to stick to the other side, with their silly hitbtc fees swallows, and bitcoin nodes running on raspberry pi's. Time will tell if the market values more the original bitcoin, or bitcoin-core, the crippled, high-fee, settlement layer for the lightning network tm.
How long do we have to live with all these insecurities. I just want to relax and be calm and comfy instead of constantly thinking about each possible hitbtc fees swallows and how it would affect me and wondering if i made the right decision or should i change my strategy. How much are you being paid to spout this garbage? Satoshi is long gone.
You sound like a cult member. It's been almost 10 years since Satoshi developed Bitcoin. It's hitbtc fees swallows to move on.
There is only a small minority of people who agree with this sentiment. Most are probably paid to agree. This is all a power play by desperate people.
It's obvious that its political in nature and nothing more. It's all about egos. And a badly done one at that. Cute Faggot, BTC is already on the trajectory for mass adoption. You can't stop the train. This is why BCC shitcoin was created, its about control, they hitbtc fees swallows BTC is going to be hitbtc fees swallows in a few years and this is the last hitbtc fees swallows for power. As of right now the blockchain is still slow. This is due to the fact that the whole BCC launch was a botched, rushed launch.
How much is Jihan paying you. No one wants your chink scamcoin. Should it make me think? Gavin was supposed to replace the Minister? I know early adopters personally who have money in the hundreds of millions of dollars and are trying to snatch up as much bcc as they can while it's low.
I don't have a crystal ball, but short term, i imagine idiots will dump it while the whales keep amassing everything they can at sub 0. But these days of cheap bcc won't last long. In the medium term, I expect bcc to easily reach parity with segwit-coin as btc will be losing value at the same time.
By the end of this year I'm pretty sure bcc will be more valuable than btc, could happen even earlier. More or less the prices you see now but flipped. If things go as i imagine, it will be the biggest wealth redistribution in the history of Bitcoin, from clueless noobs, hitbtc fees swallows the old money and whales.
Most whales are pro Core. BCC is already dead, by the end of the year it will probably stagnate hitbtc fees swallows a market cap similar to ETC's. Pretty sure OP site is a scam. Don't send this cuck BTC for a "vote. He increases the mean nothing vote hitbtc fees swallows.
One day, poof, the site is gone A fool and his money are soon parted Both bitcoin cash and bitcoin core are forks, it's entirely specular. One implements segwit, one lifts hitbtc fees swallows block size limit.