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Craig Steven Wright born October [2] is an Australian computer scientist and businessman. He has publicly identified himself as the main part of the team that created bitcoin , and has claimed he is the identity behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The Economist , GQ Magazine and others in the bitcoin world have said that this demonstration could have been stage-managed or that the people present at these demonstrations could have been bamboozled. Wright graduated from high school in from Padua College in Brisbane.
Wright says his PhD is in theology , comparative religious and classical studies, achieved in with a dissertation titled "Gnarled roots of a creation theory". But the university told Forbes that it only awarded him two master's degrees and not a doctorate.
He was sentenced to 28 days in jail for breaching an injunction that prevented him from approaching customers of DeMorgan Information Security Systems, from which he resigned in The sentence was suspended on condition of performing hours of community service. After appealing the decision, the ruling was upheld in and also in a subsequent appeal to the High Court of Australia in Wright was the CEO of the technology firm Hotwire Preemptive Intelligence Group Hotwire PE , [35] [36] [37] which planned to launch Denariuz Bank, the world's first bitcoin-based bank, though it encountered regulatory difficulties with the Australian Tax Office and failed in In December , two parallel investigations by Wired and Gizmodo alleged that Wright may have been the inventor of bitcoin.
On 2 May , The BBC and The Economist published articles claiming that Craig had digitally signed messages using cryptographic keys created during the early days of bitcoin's development. The keys are inextricably linked to blocks of bitcoins known to have been created or "mined" by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Jon Matonis in a blog post, [57] stated "For cryptographic proof in my presence, Craig signed and verified a message using the private key from block 1 newly-generated coins and from block 9 newly-generated coins the first transaction to Hal Finney.
The same day a blog post on the website www. Afterwards, Wright said that he decided not to present any further evidence to prove that he is the creator of bitcoin. In a message posted on his website, Wright wrote:.
I believed that I could do this. I believed that I could put the years of anonymity and hiding behind me. But, as the events of this week unfolded and I prepared to publish the proof of access to the earliest keys, I broke. I do not have the courage. When the rumours began, my qualifications and character were attacked. When those allegations were proven false, new allegations have already begun.
I know now that I am not strong enough for this. I know that this weakness will cause great damage to those that have supported me, and particularly to Jon Matonis and Gavin Andresen.
I can only hope that their honour and credibility is not irreparably tainted by my actions. They were not deceived, but I know that the world will never believe that now. Earlier in an exclusive interview with the BBC, Wright had promised to give "extraordinary proof to an extraordinary claim.
Wright stated that "I am the source of terrorist funds as bitcoin creator or I am a fraud to the world. At least a fraud is able to see his family. There is nothing I can do. Three True Stories" in which O'Hagan spends several weeks with Wright at the request of Wright's public relations team; which, as revealed in the book, was set up as a result of a business deal between Wright and various individuals including Calvin Ayre after bitcoin was created.
All of those involved in the described business deal seemed to agree that they wanted a significant event in human history to be documented by a writer with complete impartiality and freedom to investigate. O'Hagan was with Wright during the time of his various media interviews. O'Hagan also interviews Wright's wife, colleagues and many of the other people involved in his claims.
Further, O'Hagan notes the claim that Wright provided an invalid private key because he was legally unable to provide the valid one as a result of legal obligations agreed as part of a Seychelles trust deal previously reached.
O'Hagan's book also corroborates the suggestion that both Wright and David Kleiman were the identies of the moniker "Satoshi Nakamoto". He had told the BBC that he had not wanted to come out into the spotlight but needed to dispel damaging rumours affecting his family, friends and colleagues. But O'Hagan shows us something rather different - a man under intense pressure from business associates who stood to profit from him if he could be shown to be Nakamoto.
This is in reference to O'Hagan's first hand account which describes business associates as being furious when they learned that Wright had provided invalid proof despite showing them valid proof privately and for his failure to disclose the details of the Seychelles Trust deal which meant that he could neither provide said proof publicly or yet gain access to the bitcoin attributed to Nakamoto.
Cellan-Jones concludes his article by expressing doubts about the claimed extent of Wright's involvement but admits "It seems very likely he was involved, perhaps as part of a team that included Dave Kleiman and Hal Finney, the recipient of the first transaction with the currency.
Financial cryptographer Ian Grigg [71] describes the events as follows: Craig Wright has just outed himself as the leader of the Satoshi Nakamoto team. I confirm that this is true, both from direct knowledge and a base of evidence. Grigg mentions David Kleiman as another member of the Satoshi Nakamoto team.
New Liberty Dollar issuer Joseph VaughnPerling says he met Wright at a conference in Amsterdam three years before publication of the bitcoin white paper and that Wright introduced himself as Satoshi Nakamoto at that time. In February the estate of Dave Kleiman initiated a lawsuit at the U. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Australian computer scientist and businessman. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved December 9, Gavin Andresen on Svbtle. Archived from the original on Archived from the original on June 9, Global Information Assurance Certification. The Financial Times Ltd. Retrieved 10 April Uniting Church via The Internet Archive. Archived from the original PDF on March 20, Cisco Router and Switch Forensics: Investigating and Analyzing Malicious Network Activity.
Retrieved 6 May Parliament of New South Wales. Archived from the original PDF on The Australian via Charles Sturt University. The Great Wiping Controversy".
Archived from the original on 3 March Retrieved December 8, Home of man believed to be currency founder raided". Retrieved 2 May Retrieved 5 May Craig Wright promises extraordinary proof". Retrieved 11 October London Review of Books. Retrieved 28 June Retrieved February 27, Archived from the original on March 1, History Economics Legal status. List of bitcoin companies List of bitcoin organizations List of people in blockchain technology. Retrieved from " https: All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from December Articles with permanently dead external links Articles with short description Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with DBLP identifiers.
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