Ethereum mining macbook pro - Psi iota xi

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That's magnitudes better than the results your getting, but not worth the trouble. The bitcoin mining programs are using these interfaces to take advantage of the highly parallel nature of the GPUs to accelerate the computations. There is talk of Intel supporting on of the existing GPU programming languages or adding their own.

This would be needed for the bitcoin mining programs to take advantage of the GPU. Until iris pro bitcoin mining the fall back on the CPU. You need to either buy a dedicated graphics card or look at one of the new ASIC devices specifically iris pro bitcoin mining to bitcoin mining.

The ASIC devices will perform much better than any of them. Don't forget about this. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users.

Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Bitcoin mining with Integrated graphics. Is this even a GPU? Any ideas on how I could increase my hashrate - currently at iris pro bitcoin mining mere 1. Which CPU do you have? The precise model number, e. Once you know that you can enter the model at ark. Is it powerful enough to mine Bitcoins, sure, just not very powerful. Brad Patton 9, 12 32 JourneymanGeek meant that either was better than the CPU. Iris pro bitcoin mining answer to clarify, Thanks.

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It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! October in Mining. Hey guys, I've been CPU mining with my machine just a macbook pro for a week.

So far 0 ether. I decided to sign up https: Now it's been another 24 hours and still no ether. I know they say CPU mining is not profitable, but is it even possible?

I would think 8 days of mining I should have something. I'm pretty sure I've used that much electricity. Sounds like you need to do a bit more homework.

Find any of the online mining calculators and plug your numbers into get an estimate of how long it will take you to mine different amounts of Eth.

With a CPU it will likely take many weeks. MrYukonC, thanks for the information! I am actually farming at 4mhz according to https: It looks like I should be able to farm up 1. I guess I need to double check my power settings and make sure I'm not going into stasis at night etc and just wait it out. Thanks again, more research is needed for sure. I just looked at your stats on the stats page and it does indicate that you're mining somewhere between 3.

Everything in red pretty much means there is a problem. Your node is not up to date with the latest block count. You will not get credit for anything you mine with an out of date block chain. Yeah, I saw that this morning and restarted my client, then everything went green. I am trying to get the GPU mining working at the moment so I have gone offline temporarily. When I install Eth following the guide on Ethereum.

Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly. Could not find cmake module file: If you have any more insight it would be appreciated. Thanks again for your time BTW I know you probably have better things to do. Sorry, I've got no help I can offer on that one, as I'm mining on Linux.

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