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We agree, we had a certain share model in place that was working great digitalocean bitcoin mining our developer and business customers but unfortunately it seems it was a bit too lenient for people mining crypto currencies. It seems that this problem hasn't been solved yet. One of our servers was shut down yesterday April 23 and I think it was due to this or similar type of problem.

Can you please, update on this? I agree that Digitalocean bitcoin mining abuse should be discouraged. On my droplets I run a cryptographic research program that is somewhat related digitalocean bitcoin mining Bitcoin in that it explores certain characteristics of the secpk1 ECDSA curve. This isn't Bitcoin mining which - as pointed out - is completely useless on CPUs by now, even if you had a botnet - and even GPUs are best used for 'mining' so-called 'altcoins' and then trying to digitalocean bitcoin mining those for Bitcoin.

When I asked for additional droplets to be allowed 'only' 10, mindI explicitly mentioned this along with the numbers: I don't know if that is a percentage of total digitalocean bitcoin mining use, or of my droplet's allocated 'CPU slice' as it digitalocean bitcoin mining. However, if it turns out that my processes negatively impact other customers, I certainly have no digitalocean bitcoin mining with using e.

I think an alternative option - and perhaps that is in part what Moisey was alluding to - is to let users specify a CPU priority preference, where one system can dynamically be assigned less CPU time based on other systems' demands - thus giving plenty of CPU for the odd burst, while allowing processes such as mine and those already mentioned to continue to use the CPU to their full potential. Of course there's a good chance that those who simply want to hog the CPU as much as possible will set their preference thus - but those can then be dealt with specifically while letting 'good citizens' do their thing.

I'm looking forward to details about the CPU sharing changes, as well as input from others on how to deal with the general case of high-CPU-use processes. CPU sharing is part of the system. I didn't realize that digitalocean bitcoin mining droplets mining bitcoins could negatively impact our droplets, is this still an issue? What does "mining digital digitalocean bitcoin mining mean? I know more or less what a digital currency is, but So it's basically as I feared. Developers are going to lose burstable CPU capacity because of digitalocean bitcoin mining miners.

Moisey - are you saying before that droplets were uncapped and would fight over Digitalocean bitcoin mining cores. If so, this digitalocean bitcoin mining mean a dramatic loss of burstable CPU power for legitimate non coin mining users.

I feel that on the whole these miners are hurting all the customers who actually care about using your services to do development and host their sites. While we are all for people digitalocean bitcoin mining around cryptocurrencies as a platform we don't feel that mining is best done in the cloud except in rare cases such as the immediate launch of a currency. We will be rolling out the new share policy tomorrow on a few production systems to test for stability and see if there are any bugs and are hopeful that we will be able to roll this out across the cloud by Thursday.

If not then it will be rolled out Monday, as we try not to do major releases on Friday just before the weekend. Just ban it in your ToS and people will think twice before exploiting your promotions with fleets of mining droplets. Let developers develop whatever, and encode all the videos they want. I'd like to hear that DO is protecting the interests of developers and not pandering to speculators and exploiters.

Can you elaborate about how the new CPU-sharing code will affect performance for your wider customer base? We do not want to ban this activity outright because there are many developers that are interested in crypto currencies and there are some cool applications that can be written.

Anyone serious about mining however really stands to gain the most from a GPU based system, however when there is a new currency launched it can still be profitable to digitalocean bitcoin mining the first to mine it even on a CPU based system. As a result we are looking to digitalocean bitcoin mining a more fair share CPU sharing which will improve overall reliability in all cases.

Additionally there are other use cases that have very digitalocean bitcoin mining usage patterns to bitcoin mining that aren't as prevalent to abuse such as video encoding. We should digitalocean bitcoin mining most of this ready by the end of next week but I'm sure there will be a couple of bugs that will pop up that we digitalocean bitcoin mining need to sort through.

Needs to go against the TOS or something. Or make a special plan A checkbox when deploying if you are digitalocean bitcoin mining to demand high CPU that will put you on a physical server with other high CPU customers. Why don't you explicitly ban this activity in your Terms of Service? All it does is harm your core customers: This should totally happen, I think it should really be considered as abuse of the service since CPU resources are shared.

This HAS to be done, its crazy! Everyone getting 2 months free mining, tonnes of tutorial sites saying they should do it. We've just sent you an email to. Click the link to create a password, then come back here and sign in. Vote Vote Vote Vote Sign in prestine. Your email address Check! I digitalocean bitcoin mining to the terms of service.

Signed in as Sign out. Thanks very much for the feedback! Show previous admin responses 1. I'm glad DigitalOcean has been proactive on this. Agree very much with this. Some serious CPU hogging going on. New and returning users may sign in Sign in prestine. Sign in Sign in Sign up Cancel.

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