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The recipes are recommended for all stages of kidney disease and are low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. There are many ways to help delay the progression of kidney disease, especially if you are diagnosed in the early stages. Here are some tips that can help you protect your kidneys: Studies have shown that good blood pressure control can help slow the progression of kidney disease.
Make physical activity a regular habit. Maintain a healthy weight: Drink water instead of calorie-rich beverages. If you consume alcohol, drink in moderation: If you have diabetes: Smoking is a risk factor for faster progression of kidney disease. Take medications as prescribed by your doctor. Have regular checkups with your doctor.
Remember it is never too late to make positive changes to your lifestyle. Eating well and keeping active can improve long term health and help you maintain good kidney function. Since protein requirements can be specific to your medications, other medical conditions or your overall nutritional status, it is best to speak with a renal dietitian about the amount of protein that will help you optimize your health.
In general, if you have stage kidney disease you should aim for 0. This amounts to approximately servings of low phosphorus Meat and Alternatives, each about the size of a deck of cards each day. If you are on dialysis, some protein is lost during the filtration process so you should aim for 1. Being physically active does not increase your protein needs unless intense training for several hours a day is part of your routine.
Additional protein requirements are recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Eating these protein-rich foods make it easier to meet your dietary protein needs. Fish is an excellent source of protein. The consumption of egg and low phosphorus cheese e. Some people may choose to NOT eat meat for various reasons e.
Speak to your dietitian about your blood levels and food intake. When ordinary foods are not sufficient to meet protein needs, it may be necessary to use protein supplements. Supplements may include protein powders that are mixed into other foods or high protein nutrition beverages. Talk to your dietitian before using protein supplements and ask about kidney-friendly high protein beverages that may help you meet your protein needs.
In addition, alcohol may make blood pressure or blood sugar more difficult to control, and can lead to weight gain. If you are drinking alcohol, drink no more than standard drinks a day and no more than 14 drinks per week for men and 10 for women. A fluid restriction is a recommendation that comes from your doctor or heath care team.
Restricting fluid unnecessarily may cause problems so be sure to ask your doctor. Have you ever wondered why some products list potassium in the Nutrition Facts table, and other products do not?
Labels that list potassium might do so because the manufacturer reduced sodium in the product by adding potassium salts, or because the manufacturer is making a claim about the product being a good source of potassium, or because the manufacturer voluntarily decided to include this information. Almost all foods contain potassium. If a Nutrition Facts table provides potassium content, what do the numbers mean?
The following guidelines may be useful when deciding if a food has a lot or a little potassium: Vitamins are compounds found in the foods we eat and have many purposes in the human body. Eating a variety of foods is the best way to get all of your vitamins. People with chronic kidney disease CKD may not get enough of some vitamins because of diet restrictions, poor appetite or vitamin losses during dialysis treatments.
In general CKD patients, especially those on dialysis, may need extra water-soluble vitamins like the B vitamins. Some vitamins and minerals must be limited or avoided because levels can build up in the body as the kidneys stop working.
In general these are the fat-soluble vitamins like A, E and K and minerals such as potassium and phosphorus. A daily vitamin supplement specifically designed for kidney patients is often recommended. If your doctor has not prescribed a vitamin supplement, ask if you would benefit from one.
Only use the vitamin supplement approved by your health care team. Similar to certain vitamins, some herbal supplements can be harmful to people with kidney disease. Speak with your doctor, dietitian or renal pharmacist if you are taking any herbal preparations as they can guide you on which ones may be of concern.
Yes, artificial sweeteners approved for use in Canada are safe to use by chronic kidney disease patients. Health Canada regulates all sweeteners that are used and sold in Canada. Sweeteners are only approved when scientific evidence confirms that they are safe. It contains phenylalanine, so people with phenylketonuria PKU must avoid aspartame.
It is widely used in soft drinks, candy, baked goods and frozen desserts and ice cream products. It is also used for home cooking and baking. Acesulfame potassium is not used as a table top sweetener. It can only be bought at pharmacies in Canada. If you are pregnant, check with your doctor before using saccharin. Stevia leaf and extract of stevia leaves are approved for use as ingredients in certain natural health products. It is not permitted as a food additive in Canada. For pregnant and breastfeeding women If you are pregnant or breastfeeding approved sweeteners, including aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose and sugar alcohols are considered safe.
However, make sure artificially-sweetened foods are not replacing nutrient-rich foods you need for a healthy pregnancy. For infants and children It is recommended that infants and children avoid sweeteners.
Loss of appetite is a common problem when the kidneys fail to clean waste out of the blood. Getting enough protein and calories is important for staying healthy and preventing muscle loss. Congratulations on your transplant! Each transplant is different and as you progress, your blood work will greatly assist your doctor and renal dietitian to guide you on what foods to include in your diet.
Your protein requirements are usually higher after a transplant in order to promote wound healing and also because of higher doses of steroid medications used to suppress your immune system. Your blood sugars may also be higher because of the steroid medications, especially if you have diabetes. Your doctor or a diabetes educator can help you manage your blood sugars. The higher dose of steroid medications will also increase your calcium requirements so you should focus on including calcium rich foods to keep your bones strong.
In general, you should continue to follow a low sodium diet unless otherwise directed by your health care team. Lastly, preventing unwanted weight gain post-transplant as a result of increased appetite, increased palatability of food and less dietary restrictions is important. Ask your doctor for a referral to a renal dietitian if you would like advice on what foods to include in your diet for optimal health. Ask A Dietitian Were your questions answered?
If not, please feel free ask us and we'll respond as soon as possible. Skip over navigation Print Page. What stage of kidney disease are the recipes on your site recommended for?
I have stage 3 CKD, what can I do to slow the progression of the kidney disease? How much protein do I need each day? How much alcohol for example wine or beer is safe for people with kidney disease? Do all people with kidney disease need a fluid restriction? How can I tell if a food is high or low in potassium from Nutrition Facts? Do I need to take vitamin and mineral supplements? Can I use artificial sweeteners? I have a low appetite. What can I do? I just had a kidney transplant. What type of diet do I need to follow?
Eat a healthy diet: A good way to limit sodium is to avoid processed foods such as fast foods, canned foods, packaged foods and frozen entrees. In addition, replacing some animal protein with vegetable protein may help slow the progression of CKD. Avoiding phosphate additives from processed foods like colas, processed cheeses and seasoned meats may also help protect your kidneys.
Top How much protein do I need each day? Top How much alcohol for example wine or beer is safe for people with kidney disease? Special considerations for alcohol and kidney disease: Alcohol contributes added fluid and many with CKD, especially those on dialysis, are advised to limit their fluid intake. Certain alcoholic beverages are higher in potassium or phosphorus than others: Red wine contains more potassium than white wine.
Beer is a significant source of potassium and phosphorus.