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Water cooling solutions are usually very expensive and I wanted to see how cheap I can do it using household parts and objects that were designed for a different purpose. As you can see I'm using a car radiator since they are very cheap, easy to get and work like charm. Just be sure not to mix aluminium and copper parts. Foil over the backplate. Foil on the plate. Mainboard on the plate In this picture you can also see how professionally I mounted the waterblock on the CPU using perforated tape and two thin M3 screws.
Closeup of the waterblock. Screwing it on the board. For tube management I'm using pipe holders. They helped me before managing my cables on my server rack. I'll probably paint them black later so they don't looks as cheap as they do now.
The power supply for the backlight will be a power supply of an old laptop of mine. It's actually 16V but thanks to 12V voltage regulators this is no problem. LED stripes in action. Backlight in action Looks good! Reservoir I picked this one up in the local hardware store but I also could have used a simple bottle.
Fits perfectly and lights up good. LEDs from the inside Inside view of the reservoir. Let's add some color. Foil on the base And put some of the foil on the base to hide the LEDs.
Hole in the backplate I drilled a small hole in the backplate so I can hide the power cables of the LEDs. Perforated tape holding the reservoir And then I fixed the reservoir with some more perforated tape. Man I love this metal tape thing. Reservoir lighting up Getting better and better. Radiator fitting on the backplate. Since I'm using a submersive pump because they're the cheapest I had to come up with an idea on where to put it.
I initially wanted the pump in the reservoir but it didn't fit so I had an awesome idea: I put it in a glass jar and put green carbon foil around it. Jar with some green foil. Connecting reservoir with pump jar. Light test Light test: Adding a fan I added a fan for now like this. But there is no leak some more of that industrial glue won't fix. You can see the glue on the lid of the "pump jar". Maybe sometime later I'll paint over that so it doesn't look that shitty.
For testing I removed the fan from the radiator since it should work passively cooled. Let's see if I'm right. How about benchmarking it up?
For CPU benchmarking I use plain old 7zip benchmark which is included in 7zip benchmarking with 7zip. This is actually a pretty good temperature for passive cooling. Except for the gentle dabble of the water pump there is no sound. Of course not since there is no fan.
This monster will become the new face of my webfilter service WEGA german. I'll hang it one of the schools I work for and it will filter all traffic for inappropriate stuff. The kids will hate it and it'll look great. Should probably protect it with an acrylic glass front. There are no ads on this https enforced blog. Home About me Publications Cryptobin in the media.
Never miss a post by liking this blog on Facebook. Parts I'm gonna divide the parts in two sections: Water cooling and wall mounting. Fitting the board on the plate and fixing it with screws Mainboard on the plate In this picture you can also see how professionally I mounted the waterblock on the CPU using perforated tape and two thin M3 screws Closeup of the waterblock Screwing it on the board Step 3: Tube management For tube management I'm using pipe holders.
Working desk Mounting holders Step 4: Adding an LED backlight The power supply for the backlight will be a power supply of an old laptop of mine. The reservoir Reservoir I picked this one up in the local hardware store but I also could have used a simple bottle. Man I love this metal tape thing Reservoir lighting up Getting better and better Step 6: The radiator It finally arrived and wow that thing is larger than I thought. Had to relocate the tubes Radiator fitting on the backplate fixating it with cable ties cable tieeeessssss Step 7: The pump Since I'm using a submersive pump because they're the cheapest I had to come up with an idea on where to put it.
I put it in a glass jar and put green carbon foil around it I think the jar was once full of spaghetti.. Jar with some green foil it holds all the good stuff.. Connecting everything I connected the reservoir with the "pump jar" and sealed it with some industrial glue.
Connecting reservoir with pump jar Light test Light test: Works great Adding a fan I added a fan for now like this. But there is no leak some more of that industrial glue won't fix You can see the glue on the lid of the "pump jar". Maybe sometime later I'll paint over that so it doesn't look that shitty Sealing it again. Local hardware store Link.