‘Law & Order’ Director, DGA Official Ed Sherin Dies at 87

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Text-based menus Use this option if your browser will not open the folders. Manning A Law and order obituaries Experience All the best men have either left, or law and order obituaries to leave, and dissatisfaction appears to prevail on all sides. The smallness of pay is in many instances the cause; in others, tyranny in the officers is ascribed as reasons for the discontent. Adelaide Times5 Augustp. Introduction For the first two to three decades of European settlement in South Australia the people always prided themselves - and with sufficient law and order obituaries - on the good order prevailing within the community.

We had none of those violent crimes which disgraced and terrified the neighbouring colonies. In no part of Her Majesty's dominions had life and property been safer than here. The people lived in the utmost security thinking it quite an unnecessary precaution in many places to use bolts and bars. Doors were left unlocked and property exposed in what people in other lands would call a most reckless deed.

Our comparative immunity from crime may be ascribed to various causes - The class of persons who came here were, as a whole, of a superior order and the working classes were industrious and provident, with some considerable amount of education in their ranks.

It is questionable whether in any law and order obituaries of the British dominions could such a provident, industrious, well-conducted community be found.

Our immigrants were well selected and many of them, in the course of a few years, raised themselves to positions of comfort and not a few law and order obituaries wealthy and respected. From such a well-conducted working class dangerous crimes were not anticipated. We always set our faces against the convict element mingling in our population and, from time to time, when the foundations of the colony were laid, there was always a wise jealousy and a commendable vigilance exercised to guard against the convict taint.

Our laws against the admission of transportees, from whatever quarter they might have attempted to come, were most firm - some would say arbitrary - and on the whole our vigilance was rewarded. We succeeded in practically keeping away from us the accursed evil of convictism.

Those violent deeds which were so rife in the other colonies can, in almost every instance, be traced back to the influence, direct or indirect, of the existing felonry amongst them. A third reason for the orderliness of our population and the safety of property was the fact that we had no poor amongst us, in the sense in which that word is used in the old countries of Europe. There were, of course, isolated cases in which some suffered from insufficient means. The people, generally, had plenty of work and good wages and the labouring class had comforts here which it would law and order obituaries been impossible to obtain in the old country.

Then, in addition, the population as a whole was a religious one. Until recent times were, proverbially, a colony of churches and church going people. These, then, I believe, were amongst the causes which produced the safe and healthy state of society. Sadly, by the late s there became a need for increased vigilance when we were told of a spate of robberies of a daring character; shops and dwelling houses were entered forcibly, stables were visited by the law and order obituaries gentry, where both horses and harness disappeared.

Our peaceful serenity was disturbed and the people had to look about them to see to the better protection of their property. Watch-dogs were brought into service and life-preservers and revolvers were taken up by some for the purpose of 'moral suasion.

The law of Master and Servant is discussed in the Register12 Augustpage 3c, South Australian Record14 Marchpage 44a and the recovery of small debts in the Register26 Februarypage 2b and 28 Octoberpage 2c, Express27 Marchpage 2a.

Sketches of the police court are in Frearson's Weekly11 Augustpage Information on the new court-house is in the Observer6 Julypage 2d. Also see Adelaide - Public Nuisances - Dogs.

The "Law of Primogeniture" is traversed in the Register6 Februarypage 2c: What did we, in South Australia, want with a system of feudalism, upheld by aristocrats and rack-rent landlords, is a means of supporting class legislation and of interposing a barrier between the people and their rulers? Also see Register7 and 11 Februarypages 3c and 2b-3e.

Even if we had an aristocracy in South Australia, law and order obituaries would not do for a young community to hedge around exclusive classes by special legislative protection, but rather to leave the natural operation of wealth, education and talent, law and order obituaries aggrandizement and elevation of particular families. Register14 Marchpage law and order obituaries also see 11 Octoberpage 2b, 26 Marchpage 2d.

An editorial headed "Country Magistrates " is in the Register9 Marchpage 2f: Many a trifling blunder of lesser officials would be visited with instant dismissal; but the Magistracy, in whose hands are entrusted the lives of property of the community, may go on repeating their mistakes ad infinitum.

Information on the city coroner is in the Express9 Septemberpage 3b. Law and order obituaries about bailiffs are in The Lanternlaw and order obituaries Decemberpage 7b. Poems are in The Lantern27 Junepage 21, 23 Aprilpage An editorial relating to married women's property is in the Observer20 Februarypage 13b, Advertiser28 Junepage 4f. The law in respect of the protection of children is discussed in the Advertiser2 Januarypage 4e.

A sketch is in The Critic25 Decemberpage Also see Adelaide - Larrikinism. An editorial on a proposed bachelor of law degree at the Adelaide University is in the Advertiser30 Octoberpage 4c; also see 22 Decemberpage 5e. Biographical details of a former sheriff, Mr W.

Boothby, are in the Observer8 Julypage 16d; an obituary is in the Chronicle18 Julypage 33a, Observer18 Law and order obituariespage 36d. The retirement of F. Biographical details of E. Cleland, KC, are in the Register27 Decemberpage 7b. Biographical details of W.

An interview with H. Angas Parsons is in The Mail23 Maypage 8e; his elevation to the bench is reported in the Express29 Decemberpage 1e. International law in time of war is discussed in the Register17, 19, 22 and 25 Augustpages 13c, 8g, 11h and 6h, 2, 5 and 9 Septemberpages 11c, 19a and 8g. Denyer, clerk of the local court, are in the Register3 Junepage 9g, of W.

Hall, magistrate law and order obituaries the Children's Court, on 12 Augustpage 9f. An obituary of F. Fesenmeyer, sheriff's clerk, is in the Register, 29 Aprilpage 5c, of L. Cullen on 26 Novemberpage 5d, of G. Parker in the Express, 17 Marchpage 2c, of H. Mildred, SM, on 24 Marchpage 5b. Harcus, JP, on 11 and 14 Augustpages 4e and 6b. An obituary of Mr H. Wigley, a magistrate, is in the Observer, 21 Octoberpage 7g, of Mr Law and order obituaries.

Laurie, magistrate, in the Observer, 9 Decemberpage 12a. An obituary of Rupert Ingleby is in the Register, 7 Decemberlaw and order obituaries 5b. An obituary of George Birrell is in the Register, 24 Augustpage 5c.

An obituary of W. Rowe on 5 Marchpage 5b, of R. Moore on 5 and 6 Decemberpages 4h and 5c, of E. Oldham on 17 Decemberlaw and order obituaries 5a, of J.

Edmunds on 16 Februarypage 5d, of F. Beyer on 9 Decemberpage 5d. An obituary of H. Downer is in the Register, 24 Maypages 4h-6h. An obituary of Thomas Ward, city coroner, is in the Register, 29 Decemberpage 4h. An obituary of Mr E. Gwynne is in the Chronicle, 16 Junepage 8f, of Mr R. Wigley in the Observer, 10 Maypage 36a, of G. An obituary of J. Price, SM, on 21 Decemberpage 5c. An obituary of G.

An obituary of Thomas Hocking is in the Register, 2 and 5 Novemberpages 5b and 6h. Belt on 18 Februarypage 15a, of W. Wadey on 29 Septemberpage 16d, of H. Taylor on 2 Februarypage 16c, of J. Hamp on 16 Aprilpage 34a, of John J. Bonnar on 38ce reminiscencesof James Henderson on 11 Novemberpage 38b. An obituary of Daniel S. Sandford on 8 Februarypage 30d. An obituary of S. Keats, SM, on 29 Maypage 5b, of A. Whitby, solicitor, on 1 Augustpage 4h.

An obituary of Mr G. An obituary of A. Bright, Special Magistrate, on 13 Decemberpage 45a. An obituary of Mr J. An obituary of P. Bonnin, solicitor, is in the Register, 17 Septemberpage 5a, of W.

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