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With so much money pouring into the cryptocurrency space, particularly in ICOs, social media has become a minefield. Suppoman, the host of Savage Cash, frequently does cryptocurrency reviews, ICO reviews, and sells cryptocurrency courses. He claims to be a cryptocurrency trading expert despite admitting to not knowing basic concepts like market depth. I am not a financial advisor, and nothing in this video constitutes financial or legal advice.
Please invest responsibly and do your research with due diligence. Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other currencies on Coinbase: Doug Polk is a professional poker player and cryptocurrency enthusiast. Crypto News is the show to keep up with the latest trends and stories involving Bitcoin price, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, IOTA, investing, analytics, and various altcoins.
Deal it other places like the poker table.. Plenty of FUD out there and you shouldnt be selling it. Crypto YT is turning into a B-grade soap opera. Why don't you guys stop bashing each other and just produce some worthwhile content?
I enjoy your videos and subscribe Doug, but your growing man boobs are an eyesore, wear a bigger shirt or start lifting bro! Doug Poulk is a fukking idiot. All he knows how to do is complain about others. Never giving anything else in return. All he is doing is spreading FUD and deinspiring others from the world of cryptos.
Other youtubers like Suppoman is giving us info on what is out there. This moron takes that info and turns it to FUD. It was dumbasses like this moron that stop others from investing in BTC when it was dirt cheap. Then watch Doug's video on 5 cryptos you should invest in. He mocks other youtubers on what they think are good investments.
But, in return he doesn't even give advice on what to pick. All of which are good investments. Do yourself a good service and Ignore this idiot. I think this guy its send by government just fuck up crypto community that what his do now make the all crypto community split up! Doug — the cynical tight edit at 0. Pretty shameless, intentional deception. Probably makes you a great poker player tho', so I'm sure you can teach a thing or two on your Poker Channel.
Is it not offensive to call someone an idiot in this day and age? You talk like a jealous wife about Suppoman. He's no scammer but a very good informer for a lot of people! I really appreciate your take on people you find trustworthy. I know it's opinion, but I appreciate that decency. So many shills out there. Doug, you are playing the part of an ill informed zealot prosecutor.
You are basing your case against Suppoman on mostly conjecture. Have you taken 5 minutes to reach out to Mike Suppoman to understand the truth before spending hours perfecting a video to condemn him? Are you the standard of integrity in the Cryptospace? It takes less effort to pick up a phone than to pick up a stone! This was along time coming.
You are the idiot and the bully. Who cares about Suppoman, you are the one trying to be relevant while you have no expertise. Bee token had to be an inside job. No address on the site and most people never got the real address sent to them only the fake one and the site never had a warning label on it hours after people were still being scammed. A bit of harsh criticism coming from someone who has deceived people in order to succeed at his chosen trade.
Doug, you're a shame to the crypto world. You should unite, not devide. Suppoman is no scam, you are aware of that but are trying to take profit af a little mistake. You're the reason that a lot of people think that the crypto world is full of childish adolescents.
Karma will get to you. I unsubscribed to Doug, i do not like bullies… If he has a problem with someone he should of reached out and debated with them. Not talk trash behind there back… Likewise Doug if you'd like to debate the issue with me, i would gladly….
Thanks for the headsup. Being new to crypto-world sometimes it can be difficult to find information about what your interested in, i would assume some of suppomans courses would help alleviate that time to find credible info for new people like myself. Unfortunately i personally didnt want to go down the route but instead search and learn as i go making many mistakes along the way, buts thats how i am able to learn.
Many content providers like yourself suppoman and others all have their good points and bad points and viewers take out of it what part of the information provided and then decide how they want to interpret such viewed content they have just received.
I didnt agree with the need to post a 21min video basically slamming suppoman you could have done this in two mins of no bullshit, here it is; state the facts and move on; but instead you proceeded to do it your way which would have taken considerable time, hence my opening comment.
Keep up the informative educational content, im sure suppoman will have watched your dedicated video and will be able to look at it as a positive for future content on his channel. Its fine to a piece on someone else, especially if you feel people are loosing out, but your piece was not balanced at all. Suppoman has done more than anyone to show the process of evaluating ICO's, sure you could take one of his courses, but really no need as he demonstrates most of the techniques free on his channel… Looking at the pro's AND con's of ICO's, the team's skill history knowledge, the name marketing etc etc.
He has done more to teach this process than you have ever done. Someone makes a mistake, which Suppoman admitted to, and you kicking him for it. If your going to do a piece make sure its balance, what I saw from you hear is an attempt to destroy his channel. That is also not cool. You really are a tit. Supoman is just doing his thing he has still helped so many people.
End of the day we are all human and we all make mistakes. I believe Suppoman is a VERY honest person, I have been watchng him for months here in Australia and have found him very funny and HONEST… I have bought many of his suggested crypto coins and they have been great … He uses all his waking time to do research and give people his tips!! I like to watch both Doug and Suppoman….
Doug normally makes me laugh but that's really about it. Suppoman makes me money…and also makes me laugh quite often. I don't subscribe to any Suppoman udemy course but I wouldn't pay for anything Doug is offering because there is no substance to it. People can actually learn from Suppoman by just watching his free videos. Does Doug make you money? Does Doug do anything but make you laugh? You are my superman who saves the world and not this scammer soup-o-man.
Glad you are bringing such things up. Doug has to be a "comic" and a quasi "show man" to try to engage with his audience. Guys you can alwasy invest in my company. Its bubba gum shrip company. You get a shrimp everyday for each token you hold. Im a financial advisor. ICO stands for important cashless organization. First rule in trading crypto: Don't spend money on online courses to learn it. That money is better spent trading your first few trades: Plus you can't substitute the value of feeling a loss or a win.
He doesn't know what market depth is? You don't have to know that but just don't expect to know how to day trade and definitely how to make money. I have a series 7 and took me 40 hours a week for four months to start making trades in crypto. I still have ALOT to learn and wouldn't try to teach others because you can learn just about everything on youtube.
While I agree essentially in never trust anyone fully or solely just cause, and suppoman now has some question marks against him, that he will need to prove himself, one should always be careful standing up as the moral abitraitor of justice. That's the thing about witchhunts, doesn't take much fuel to start a fire. Do you actually watch all of these shitty scammer videos just to come up with new content for your videos?
Datadash forgot to mention the payment he received from Blackmoon. One of the admins admitted it in blackmoon telegram chat. Hey bully, your content is worthless and at the end of the day Suppo has something of value, he sells it on udemy and there's no hordes of unsatisfied customers chasing him. Another great video with a lot of honest words.