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OK Frank Money here, your very effective money detective — Listen up! We need to know the R-O-I of that higher education your pursuing? In other words, how many years of working will it take you to break even in paying back that cost of education. To celebrate the importance of being financially literate, Detective Money is going to post financial literacy tips every day. Student loan debt is a big issue. Frank Money that is!
Before you start to think that getting a student loan is like an alliance with the House Lannister, understanding what you are getting into is an important first step. Perhaps the biggest question you need to ask yourself is what is the return on my investment for the education you are financing. As a general rule — try to avoid student loans as much as possible.
Look for other monies, some of which is available for little cost to you in scholarships. I was reading my tablet this morning an came across this post by the blog FiveThirtyEight that I deduced was right on target — check it out! Student loan debt is a big issue for Millennials. But before you start to think that getting a student loan is like an alliance with the House of Lannister, understanding what you are getting into is an important first step.
Wasteful colleges raise tuition every year, we are told, even as middle-class wages stagnate and unscrupulous for-profit colleges bilk the unwary. The result is mounting unmanageable debt. Follow this link to the full story: Click Here to continue with this story.
Follow this link for the ret of the article: Sometimes just being clever is the best way to save yourself money! Click here for more of the article. That figure jumps to Click here to continue with the article.
But what actually happens when you default?